ANU Library
Acquisitions & serials
- Gift Donation Form (DOCX, 93KB)
- Library bookplates, Guideline (PDF, 121KB)
- Library gift procedure (PDF, 32KB)
- Library rush request procedures (PDF, 247KB)
- Library protocol: Borrowing without an ANU ID/Library Card (PDF, 153KB)
- Library protocol: Updating Staff Patron Records (PDF, 230KB)
- Record standards and cataloguing guideline procedure (PDF, 166KB)
- Sources of bibliographic records: guideline and procedure (PDF, 239KB)
Collection development & management
- Collection deselection (weeding) protocol (PDF, 94KB)
- Guideline: Sources for links for openly accessible material for inclusion in the ILMS (PDF, 131KB)
- Guideline: Stocktake of library collection (PDF, 367KB)
- Library collection development policy
- Local protocol: Circulation of rare books and special collections (PDF, 141KB)
- Library protocol: Criteria for inclusion in rare book and special collections (PDF, 93KB)
- Local protocol: Rare book and special collections - approval for inclusion and storage (PDF, 97KB)
- Supplying Material During COVID-19 Shutdown (PDF, 119KB)
- Screenrights Best Practice Guidelines 2020 (PDF, 184KB)
- Universities Australia: University Music Agreement Factsheet (PDF, 811KB)
- Scholarly Information Services digitisation plan 2016-2018 (ERMS)
- ANU digitisation policy
- ANU digitisation procedure
Learning resources
- Library protocol: ANU Library LibGuides Local Protocol March 2017 (PDF, 1.2MB)
- Library protocol: LibGuides Life-Cycle Assessment Checklist March 2017 (PDF, 133KB)
Library buildings
- Guideline: Students accessing On Campus study spaces during COVID-19
- ANU Library signage (approved by the ANU Marketing Office)
- Food and drink in the libraries guidelines
- Guideline: ANU Library exhibitions and displays (PDF, 66KB)
- Guideline: ANU Library Infoscreens (PDF, 53KB)
- Guideline: ANU Library Opening Days and Hours (ERMS)