IARU Libraries Passport to Knowledge > Online collections, e-resources and databases
Online collections, e-resources and databases
Australian National University Library
The Xu Dishan collection comprises many rare editions and suspected orphaned sacred books on Buddhism, Taoism and other Missionary publications of the time.
The Thomas Mann Archive Online includeds manuscripts and press articles on Thomas Mann.
National University of Singapore Libraries
Digital Gems is a gateway to rare, historical, and primary source materials from NUS Libraries Special Collection in digital format.
A deep range of digitised collection material is available online.
University of California, Berkeley Library
Rare and unique digitized special collections, books, manuscripts, images, photographs and more.
University of Cambridge Libraries
A home for the discovery of digitised material and research outputs from the University of Cambridge and beyond.
University of Cape Town Libraries
UCT Libraries Digital Collections represent a selection of material available through UCT’s archival holdings.
University of Copenhagen Libraries
A rich collection of digitised manuscripts is available online.
University of Oxford Libraries
ORA: Oxford University Research Archive
Special Collections digital resources.
University of Tokyo Library System

UTokyo Repository is the system to store and provide digital resources created by members of the University of Tokyo community.
Yale University Library Digital Collections