E-resources and databases
starting with "T"
- TAIR: The Arabidopsis Information Resource
The Arabidopsis Information Resource (TAIR) maintains a database of genetic and molecular biology data for the model higher plant Arabidopsis thaliana . Data available from TAIR includes the complete genome sequence along with gene structure, gene product information, gene expression, DNA and seed stocks, genome maps, genetic and physical markers, publications, and information about the Arabidopsis research community. Gene product function data is updated every week from the latest published research literature and community data submissions.
- Taiwan Periodical Literature (Formerly: PerioPath)
Developed by the National Central Library (NCL) in Taiwan, this database offers:
- Taiwan Periodical Literature - index to journal articles published in Taiwan;
- Directory to Taiwan periodicals - details of journals, newspapers, and gazettes published in Taiwan as well as selected academic journals published in Hong Kong and Macau, and some important periodicals and newspapers published before 1945 in Mainland China;
- NCl China Periodical Literature Index - index to all the China periodicals held at NCL Resource Center for Chinese Studies;
- Table of Contents of Chinese Literature (Monograph Series, 1946-1979) - index to articles and research reports on Chinese literature, history, and culture published in journals, newspapers, symposiums, theses and dissertations, and research reports funded by the National Science Council (now Ministry of Science and Technology), mainly published in 1946-1979.
- Taiwan under Japanese Rule: Full-Text Image
This database, made available by the National Central Library (Taipei) via the Taiwan Resource Centre for Chinese Studies (TRCCS) programme, provides bibliographic information on out of print Japanese books during the Japanese occupation period in Taiwan.
- Taruskin (Oxford History of Western Music)
An online version of Richard Taruskin’s 5 volume reference work on the evolution of Western classical music. The full text from the 2009 edition has been reproduced including notes, bibliographies, further readings, illustrations and musical examples. Vol I: Earliest Notations to the Sixteenth Century Vol II: Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries Vol III: Nineteenth Century Vol IV: Early Twentieth Century Vol V: Late Twentieth Century.
- Taylor & Francis Online Journals (Informaworld)
Taylor & Francis Online provide full text access to online journal titles subscribed by ANU Library. It offers full text access to the complete portfolio of over 1,500 journals covering a wide range of subject areas from the social sciences and humanities, to science and technology.
- TBRC Core text collection
The Buddhist Digital Resource Center (formerly known as Tibetan Buddhism Resource Center) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to seeking out, preserving, documenting, and disseminating Buddhist literature. The Buddhist Digital Archives (BUDA) is a collaborative platform for collection of Tibetan Buddhist works and collections of Sanskrit, Chinese, Pali, Burmese, and Khmer materials. ANU has access to TBRC core text collection 1.
- Tempo: Indonesia's weekly news magazine. English
Indonesia's weekly news magazine in English.
- The British Raj : resistance and reform in India, 1879-1920
This collection consists of letters, diaries, and official reports dated between 1879 and 1920. The records relate to two viceroys who acted as representatives of the British monarch in India: Lord Curzon and the fourth Earl of Minto. The material relating to Lord George Curzon illustrates the influential reforms that he enacted during his time as viceroy (1899–1905). Curzon made substantial modifications to the administration and infrastructure of the British Raj. Despite his passion for reform, he remains a controversial figure. Many have asserted that he prioritised British control and influence over the needs and demands of the Indian population. One of his most contentious acts was the partition of Bengal in 1905, a measure which exacerbated religious divisions within the region. The material relating to the fourth Earl of Minto, Gilbert Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound, likewise evidences his efforts to maintain British influence throughout India during his time as viceroy (1905–1910). His tenure was characterised by cautious reform, as he sought to address the rising tide of Indian nationalism whilst maintaining British supremacy. The documents include his personal correspondence and diaries. The collection also includes the diaries of his wife, Lady Mary Caroline Grey. These sources allude to growing anti-British sentiment amongst the Indian population during the opening decade of the twentieth century. They likewise evidence how the viceroy responded.
- The telegraph historical archive
Launched in 1855, the Telegraph was the first daily morning paper. By 1876, the Telegraph was the largest-selling newspaper in the world, with a circulation of 300,000. Under the editorship of poet and Orientalist Edwin Arnold from 1873 to 1899, the newspaper published widely on foreign affairs and foreign cultures. Its dedication to foreign news coverage was evidenced by its employment of several renowned special correspondents over the years; Winston Churchill, who reported from India in 1897, Rudyard Kipling, who braved the trenches of the First World War, and Clare Hollingworth, who, as the first female war correspondent, relayed the start of the Second World War from Poland. During the twentieth century, the Telegraph cemented its reputation as a pioneering yet reliable source of news reporting. The newspaper's commitment to lively copy was matched by its desire to position itself at the forefront of journalistic innovation; it published the first crossword to appear in a newspaper in 1925, the first television column in 1935, and became the first British newspaper to launch a website in 1994. The publication of the Telegraph is generally seen by press historians as the start of a new era of journalism that emerged following the repeal of the stamp duty, marking the first step towards the mass-market journalism of the Daily Mail. The Telegraph Historical Archive, 1855-2000 has over 1 million pages of content and includes the Sunday edition from its inception in 1961. The archive offers a fundamental insight into domestic and international affairs and culture over a time span of almost 150 years.
- Theatre in Video
Theatre in Video brings together hundreds of the world’s most important classic and contemporary plays, documentaries, interviews, and instructional materials relating to the performing arts. This collection includes productions of Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre, Theatre Arts Films, the BBC and TMW Media group.
- Theologische Realenzyklopädie Online
The Theologische Realenzyklopädie is a modern specialist encyclopaedia comprising 36 volumes of text (1976–2004) representing the present state of theological research as a whole. More than a generation of scholars have collaborated in its production, to create a unique internationally-oriented reference work containing more than 2,500 articles (on over 28,000 pages of text) which stands as a document of the history of scholarship. The TRE is an indispensable tool for research, study and teaching, principally in theology, but also in its neighbouring disciplines such as history, philosophy, Jewish studies and religious studies.
Authorised for ANU alumni access - Therapeutic Guidelines
Therapeutic Guidelines are written principally for prescribers to provide clear, practical, succinct and up-to-date therapeutic information for a range of diseases. They are based on the latest international literature, interpreted by some of Australia’s most eminent and respected experts, with input from an extensive network of general practitioners and other users. Therapeutic Guidelines represent the essence of current available evidence.
Therapeutic Guidelines is available via an app, which can be accessed by consulting Frequently Asked Questions - Therapeutic Guidelines (tg.org.au).
- Thesaurus Linguae Graecae (TLG)
The Thesaurus Linguae Graecae (TLG) is a Special Research Project at the University of California, Irvine. The TLG has collected and digitized most literary texts written in Greek from Homer to the fall of Byzantium in AD 1453. It is a comprehensive digital library of Greek literature from antiquity to the present era.
- Tibetan Buddhism Resource Center Core text collection
The Buddhist Digital Resource Center (formerly known as Tibetan Buddhism Resource Center) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to seeking out, preserving, documenting, and disseminating Buddhist literature. The Buddhist Digital Archives (BUDA) is a collaborative platform for collection of Tibetan Buddhist works and collections of Sanskrit, Chinese, Pali, Burmese, and Khmer materials. ANU has access to TBRC core text collection 1.
- Times Digital Archive 1785-2019
Digital edition of the Times (London, England : 1788) and its predecessors The daily universal register (1785-1787) and the Times, or, Daily universal register (1788). Includes every page, editorial, news item, announcement, obituary and advertisement, illustrations and photos from The Times newspaper from 1785-2019.
- Times Literary Supplement Historical Archive, 1902-2019
The Times Literary Supplement Historical Archive was founded in 1902 as a supplement to The Times (London). It offers reviews of major books of fiction, nonfiction and poetry, as well as essays and criticism in the areas of art, architecture, economics, exploration, history, music, philosophy, politics, religion, sport, science and medicine.
Authorised for ANU alumni access - Trade unionism and the Chartist movement, 1833-1910
George Howell (1833-1910) was a prominent and well connected member of the labour movement during the growth of trade unions and the Chartist movement’s fight for male suffrage. During his time as an apprentice shoemaker he was introduced to radical publications like the Northern Star and Red Republican and subsequently became a member of the Chartist movement in 1848. He steadily gained a strong reputation in the rising labour movement and worked with figures like Karl Marx, Charles Bradlaugh, George Jacob Holyoake, E. S. Beesly, and Frederic Harrison. Howell became Secretary of the Reform League in 1865, and was also involved in the London Trades Council and Marx’s International Workingmen’s Association. He later became a Member of Parliament for North East Bethnal Green in 1885 as part of the Liberal-Labour movement. The collection contains a wealth of material from the many organisations and movements that Howell contributed to. This includes minutes, circulars, press cuttings, and reports from the International Workingmen’s Association, the Reform League, and the Trade Union Congress. Additionally, there is also an abundance of correspondence between Howell and key figures within the 19th century labour movement, as well as Howell’s intimate personal diaries and autobiographical material.
- Transparency International: The Global Coalition Against Corruption
Transparency International produces a wide array of unique research on a wide range of corruption topics. The website research tools allows options to search by topic and country.
- Travel Writing, Spectacle and World History
This resource brings together hundreds of accounts by women of their travels across the globe from the early 19th century to the late 20th century. Coverage includes architecture, art, the British Empire, climate, customs, exploration, family life, housing, industry, language, monuments, mountains, natural history, politics and diplomacy, race, religion, science, shopping and war. Unique manuscripts, diaries and correspondence to drawings, guidebooks and photographs are included.
Authorised for ANU alumni access