E-resources and databases
starting with "H"
- Halsbury's Laws of Australia
Halsbury's Laws of Australia is a legal encyclopaedia providing a comprehensive overview ofAustralian law, and is a must-have reference tool for legal professionals in private and public sectors, librarians and students. Halsbury's 90 titles cover both mainstream and little known subject areas.
- Han ji dian zi wen xian zi liao ku (漢籍電子文獻資料庫)
The database contains digitized materials essential to research in traditional Sinology, including almost all of the important Chinese classics, especially those related to Chinese history.
- Handbooks in Economics
A reference source on various branches of economics. Surveys the current state of the topic from journals and is suitable for researchers, graduate students or as a teaching supplement.
- HeinOnline
An online, fully searchable, image-based collection of law journals, treaties, reports, historical legal texts, constitutions and more. Provides full text access with exact page images of the documents in PDF format as they appear in the original print. The collection has a strong focus on the United States, but also includes Australian, UK and international sources.
- Historical Abstracts
This abstracting and indexing databse of literature covers world history (excluding the United States and Canada) from the 15th century to the present. It also includes full-text linking to open access (OA) journals.
- Historical Statistics of the United States : Colonial Times to 1970
This resources contains annual, time-series data on United States' economics, population or infrastructure from 1610 to 1970.
Part 1 covers: Population. Vital statistics and health and medical care. Migration. Labor. Prices and price indexes. National income and wealth. Consumer income and expenditures. Social statistics. Land, water, and climate. Agriculture. Forestry and fisheries. Minerals. Part 2 covers: Construction and housing. Manufactures. Transportation. Communications. Energy. Distribution and services. International transactions and foreign commerce. Business enterprise. Productivity and technological development. Financial markets and institutions.
- History Culture Series [Korea]
A multimedia database of Korean history and culture. The database covers subjects such as archaeology; Korean history, and art history.
- History Vault: CIA Cold War Research Reports and Records on Communism in China and Eastern Europe
This module consists of two major series of records: CIA Research Reports from 1946-1976 and records collected by Raymond Murphy on Communism in China and Eastern Europe from 1917-1958. Beginning in 1946 with reports of the CIA’s predecessor, the Central Intelligence Group, CIA Research Reports reproduces over 1,500 reports on eight areas: Middle East; Soviet Union; Vietnam and Southeast Asia; China; Japan, Korea, and Asian security; Europe; Africa; and Latin America. This series deals with international questions and biographical reports, offering profiles of relatively unknown leaders. The Murphy Collection provides information on war recovery efforts, international aid, and the formation of countries and substantial information on the Chinese Communist Party.
- History Vault: Confidential U.S. State Department Central Files 1960-1969: Asia
The U.S. State Department Central Files are an important source of American diplomatic reporting on political, military, social, and economic developments throughout the world in the 20th century. Concentrating exclusively on those U.S. State Department Central Files that have not been microfilmed by the National Archives or distributed by other publishers, the U.S. State Department Central Files in History Vault contain a wide range of materials from U.S. diplomats in foreign countries: special reports on political and military affairs; studies and statistics on socioeconomic matters; interviews and minutes of meetings with foreign government officials; court proceedings and other legal documents; full texts of important letters, instructions, and cables sent and received by U.S. diplomatic personnel; reports and translations from foreign journals and newspapers; and countless translations of high-level foreign government documents. The Countries covered in this module are: China, Far East (general), Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Laos, Philippine Republic, and Vietnam. The files on China, Japan, and Vietnam make up the largest portion of this module. Major topics covered in the China files include the tensions between the People's Republic of China and the Republic of China, the U.S.'s Two Chinas policy, and the Cultural Revolution in China. In Japan, State Department personnel reported on student demonstrations, the activities of Japanese political parties, the 1964 Olympics, negotiations regarding Japanese import and export restrictions, issues pertaining to the Japanese Self Defense Force, relations with South Korea, the possible reversion of Okinawa to Japan, diplomatic meetings, and the Japanese fishing industry. In the Vietnam files, documentation on agricultural commodities shipped to Vietnam as part of the Food for Peace program will give researchers a sense of agricultural prices, currency rates, and the food supply in Vietnam during the war. State Department records on Vietnam also cover relations between Buddhists and the government, and U.S. military intervention and military assistance in Vietnam. The records on Laos in this module focus on the political instability in Laos.
- History Vault: NAACP Papers
The digitised archive of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP):
- NAACP Papers: Board Of Directors, Annual Conferences, Major Speeches, And National Staff Files: ProQuest’s digitisation of the NAACP Papers begins with the central organizational records: thousands of pages documenting important meetings, monthly reports to the board of directors, and the association’s annual conferences. This module also collects special reports by NAACP officers and committees on issues including the Ku Klux Klan, discrimination in public employment, the depiction of Blacks in motion pictures, economic equality, the church and civil rights and the changing attitudes of Black youth.
- NAACP Papers: The NAACP’s Major Campaigns— Education, Voting, Housing, Employment, Armed Forces: The Education files in this module document the systematic assault on segregated education that culminated in Brown v. Board of Education in 1954. Fighting for voting rights was one of the NAACP’s earliest major campaigns; the 1916-1950 files document the NAACP’s campaign against the “white primary,” discriminatory registration practices and the “grandfather clause.” The armed forces portion of this module is an exceptionally rich documentary source on African American military service between 1918 and the early 1950s.
- History Vault: U.S. Diplomatic Post Records, 1914-1945
The State Department Diplomatic Post Records consist of correspondence and reports from American diplomats stationed around the world. Diplomatic post records are those kept at the embassies or legations rather than those kept in Washington. Diplomatic post records contain the incoming messages from Washington, retained copies of outgoing dispatches, locally gathered information, and background material on decision making. The following countries or cities are represented in this module: Japan; Cuba; El Salvador; Honduras; Nicaragua; Iran; Iraq; Beirut; Jerusalem; Aden; Lebanon; Russia and the Soviet Union.
- History Vault: U.S. Military Intelligence Reports, 1911-1944
U.S. Military Intelligence Reports offer comprehensive documentation of developments and events in the key nations of the world during the period from World War I to the final campaigns of World War II. After World War I, the U.S. military developed a sophisticated intelligence gathering capability. Concerned with much more than strictly military intelligence, American military attaches and their staffs reported on a wide range of topics, including the internal politics, social and economic conditions, and foreign affairs of the countries in which they were stationed. This module contains the U.S. Military Intelligence reports for China, Japan, France, Germany, Italy, Argentina, Mexico, Soviet Union, Biweekly Intelligence Summaries, and Combat Estimates.
- HKLII (Hong Kong Legal Information Institute)
Provides free access to primary legal materials and some publicly available secondary materials from Hong Kong including access to databases on cases, legislation and other legal reports, decisions and papers.
- House of Commons / House of Lords Parliamentary Papers, Index
Access to the bibliographic details of all House of Commons and Lords parliamentary papers published from the beginning of 1987. This information can be used to locate the relevant microfiche in the Official Documents microform collection located in the Chifley Library at this call number:
CHIFLEY OD reference J301.M37.
- House of Lords Parliamentary Papers 1800- 1910
Coupled with the already digitized House of Commons Parliamentary Papers, the House of Lords Parliamentary Papers will provide a complete picture of the working and influence of the UK Parliament during the pivotal 19th century. The research reveals previously unknown material such as statistical data, oral evidence, and letters and business papers relating to not only Britain, but also to the many parts of the world that were under British influence. As the working documents of government, the papers encompass wide areas of social, political, economic and foreign policy, and many contributors were found outside the official world — providing evidence to committees and commissions during a time when the Lords still wielded considerable power.
- Humanities Full Text
Provides full text, abstracts and bibliographic indexing of scholarly sources in the humanities and specialized magazines. Source documents include: feature articles, interviews, obituaries, bibliographies, original works of fiction, drama, poetry, book reviews, reviews of ballets, dance programs, motion pictures, musicals, operas, plays, and radio and television programs.