IARU Libraries supporting universities during COVID-19
The International Association of Research University Libraries have developed extensive services to support scholars through the period when universities offer limited physical access of campuses during the response to COVID-19.
IARU library responses have focused on the virtual services that can be provided, from collections to reference, from literacy training to individualised support for PhD students.
The digital collections of IARU libraries have a critical role to play in sustaining education and research and making the student experience at our universities world-class. We are creating access to our collections digitally through sustained digitisation and digital access activities.
In addition IARU libraries are working with others, such as HathiTrust and the Internet Archive, to release the research of our universities to the world through open access. These resources are contributing to research in all parts of the globe and sustaining the commitment of universities to enhance knowledge and learning for all.
Information has been collated to both assist students and academics to access the services and collections of their libraries and to assist the wider community to access the resources the libraries are delivering to the world disseminating the research of scholars in their universities and works in their collections.
Our libraries are innovatively supporting research, education and the communication of research during this time of crisis.
Roxanne Missingham University Librarian Australian National University
Australian National University Library
Special information for services for students and academics on services during COVID 19
- ANU Library services during remote work and study period
- ANU Library services during remote work and study period - Frequently Asked Questions
Digital collections openly accessible to all

- ANU Open research repository
- Access to more than 106,000 research papers, theses, journal articles and reports and more than 76,000 digitised items from ANU libraries and Archives. Significantly digital collections include digitised copies of all ANU Theses, Tooth and Company hotels archives, First impressions: Elizabeth Durack, an artist in Papua and New Guinea, 1968, Drawings of Bun Heang Ung: Life under the Khmer Rouge 1975-1979
- ANU Press
- Access to more than 880 scholarly monographs and journals
- Digital literacy training
- Free guides and online training
- Research data management
- Guides, free data management tools and support
ETHZurich Library
Special information for services for students and academics on services during COVID 19
Digital collections openly accessible to all

- Repository for Publications and Research Data
- Digital collections
Includes Thomas Mann archives, Max Frisch archives and manuscripts, letters of Albert Einstein, interactive historical astronomical illustrations and more
- Digital collections
- Research Data Management and Digital Curation
National University of Singapore Libraries
Special information for services for students and academics on services during COVID 19
- Due to the COVID-19 situation, the NUS Libraries is closed from 8 April until 1 June 2020.
- See news on homepage
- Virtual support for NUS Community and Resources made freely available during Covid-19
Digital collections openly accessible to all

- Scholarbank
- A marvellous collection of the scholarly outputs of NUS researchers
- Digital Gems
- A gateway to rare, historical, and primary source materials from NUS Libraries Special Collection in digital format.
- Digital Scholarship Projects in NUS
- A wide range of exciting digital projects including Perceptions of Singapore's Built Heritage and Landmarks, Rivers: The Blood Vessels of Life - a Showcase of Field Investigation Projects, Singapore Biographical Database, Historical Maps of Singapore, Fifty Years of Japanese Performances in Singapore (1965 to 2015): An Overview, Contemporary Wayang Archive
- Digital literacy training
- Research data management
Peking University Library
Special information for services for students and academics on services during COVID 19
- Keep up to date with Library news.
Digital collections openly accessible to all

- A deep range of digitised collection material is available online including:
- Digital literacy training
- Research Data Management
University of California, Berkeley Library
Special information for services for students and academics on services during COVID 19
- The UC Berkeley Library’s buildings are closed, but users can still access a wealth of resources online, as the Library ramps up its outreach and remote services.
- COVID-19 Portal for UC Berkeley Library Users
- Free online Library resources for research for alumni and members of the public
- Guide to Open, Free, & Affordable Course Materials
- HathiTrust’s Emergency Temporary Access Service
Digital collections openly accessible to all
- Digital Collections
- Provides online access to UC Berkeley Library’s rare and unique digitized special collections, books, manuscripts, images, photographs, newspapers, and more. Collections include:
- eScholarship Repository
- Open Access repository services for UC researchers to share their scholarly output.
- Digital literacy training:
- Research Data Management:
University of Cambridge Libraries
Special information for services for students and academics on services during COVID 19
- Special information for services for students and academics on services during COVID 19:
Cambridge University Library and the Faculty and Departmental Libraries are now closed to the public. Please check the Library’s FAQs for information on how to access Library services during this time. - Access to additional e-resources during COVID-19 outbreak
Digital collections openly accessible to all

- Cambridge Digital Library: A home for the discovery of digitised material and research outputs from the University of Cambridge and beyond. Digital collections include:
- Sassoon Journals
- Treasures of the Library
- Papers of Isaac NewtonLandscape Histories from the Air
- Cavendish Laboratory
- Royal Commonwealth Society 150
- History of the New Museums
- Landscapes and monuments
- Maps
- Chinese Works
- Mingana-Lewis Palimpsest
- Darwin Manuscripts
- Royal Greenwich Observatory Archives
- Music
- Islamic Manuscripts
- Hebrew Manuscripts
- Curious Objects
- Cambridge University Archives
- Digital literacy training:
- Research Data Management:
Contact the Cambridge University Library
University of Cape Town Libraries
Special information for services for students and academics on services during COVID 19
- Our Libraries are closed but we are open for Virtual Support.
- Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Resources from UCT Libraries
Digital collections openly accessible to all

- UCT Libraries Digital Collections
- UCT Libraries Digital Collections represent a selection of material available through UCT’s archival holdings, primarily held in UCT Libraries Special Collections, but also gathered through academic field recordings, primary data collation and UCT departmental collections.
- Digital literacy training:
- Research Data Management and Digital Curation:
University of Copenhagen Libraries
Special information for services for students and academics on services during COVID 19
- The library is temporarily closed to reduce spread of corona virus. This applies to all locations and reading rooms under the University Library of Copenhagen.
- But you can still use our online access to books and articles just as we would like to help with guidance.
Read more about your options.
Digital collections openly accessible to all

- Digitised Manuscripts
- A rich collection of digitised manuscripts is available online including:
- AM 45 fol. is a manuscript from the first quarter of the 14th century that contains Heimskringla (the circle of the world), i.e. the sagas of Norwegian kings (konungasögur) from mythical times until 1177, as well as the saga of Håkon Håkonsson (Hákonar saga Hákonarsonar).
- AM 242 fol., also known as Codex Wormianus after its earlier owner, the doctor and runologist Ole Worm (1558-1654), is dated to ca. 1350. It contains several didactic texts, including Snorra Edda (a primer on the art of poetry with Nordic mythology as its main topic) and four grammatical treatises on the Icelandic language
- AM 243 b alfa fol. is a Norwegian manuscript from around 1275. The manuscript contains The King's Mirror (Konungs skuggsjá), an educational text for princes written as a dialogue between master and pupil. The text was commissioned by Håkon Håkonsson (r. 1217-1263) and had as a purpose to raise and educate his two sons, Håkon Håkonsson the Young and Magnus the Law-Mender (Magnús lagbœtir, r. 1263-1280)
- AM 4 4to a law manuscript from around 1300 and is the second oldest preserved copy of the Jutlandic Law.
- Digital literacy training:
- Research Data Management and Digital Curation:
University of Oxford Libraries
Special information for services for students and academics on services during COVID 19
- Library sites and reading rooms now closed until further notice
- Keeping the University reading: Resources accessible to all
Digital collections openly accessible to all

- ORA: Oxford University Research Archive
- Special Collections digital resources include:
- Broad collections
- Polonsky Foundation digitization project
- A digitized collection of Hebrew manuscripts, Greek manuscripts, and incunabula (15th-century printed books) from the Bodleian and the Vatican Library.
- Electronic Enlightenment
- (Access limited to University of Oxford card holders)Letters and lives from the 18th century, based on best editions of primary sources in original languages and never before published documents.
- Early Modern Letters Online
- A combined finding aid and editorial interface for basic descriptions of early modern correspondence.
- What's the Score at the Bodleian?
- Digitised copies from the Bodleian Libraries' collections of piano music intended for the amateur market in mid-Victorian Britain.
- Bodleian Libraries online exhibitions
- Digitized versions of content displayed in Bodleian Libraries online exhibitions.
- The Bodleian Libraries' web archive
Access to the websites archived by the Bodleian Libraries in an effort to preserve them for future generations.
- Polonsky Foundation digitization project
- Individual archives
- The Casebooks Project
- A digital edition of Simon Forman’s & Richard Napier’s medical records 1596–1634.
- The Thomas Gray Archive
- A collaborative digital collection devoted to the mid 18th-century poet and scholar Thomas Gray (1716-1771).
- William Godwin's Diary
- Digital edition of the diary of William Godwin, political philosopher and author (husband of Mary Wollstonecraft and father of Mary Shelley), which he kept between 1788-1836.
- Shelley-Godwin Archive
- The Shelley-Godwin Archive will provide the digitized manuscripts of Percy Bysshe Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, William Godwin, and Mary Wollstonecraft, bringing together online for the first time ever the widely dispersed handwritten legacy of this uniquely gifted family of writers.
- Jane Austen's Fiction Manuscripts, Digital Edition
- Gathers together some 1100 pages of fiction written in Jane Austen’s own hand, including the 'Volume the First' (and 'The Watsons') at the Bodleian Library.
- Queen Victoria's Journals
- Queen Victoria's life through her digitized and transcribed journals.
- Queen Victoria's world
- Additional maps and music related to Queen Victoria
- The Casebooks Project
- Oriental manuscripts
- Cairo Genizah
- A catalogue of the Cairo Genizah manuscripts in the Bodleian Library, including digitised images of this large collection of fragments from the Bible, early rabbinic literature.
- Harambam
- A digitised copy of Maimonides authorized copy of his major halakhic work, the Misneh Torah.
- Medieval Islamic Views of the Cosmos or 'Book of Curiosities'
- A digitised Arabic cosmography, with full English translation and an edition of the text.
- Digital Shikshapatri
- Online access to a treasure of the British Hindu cultural heritage.
- Cairo Genizah
- Maps
- The Gough Map
- An interactive, searchable edition of the Gough Map, together with contextual material.
- The Selden Map of China
- Exploring the history of the Selden Map of China (which arrived in the Bodleian Library in 1659) together with a zoomable image of the map itself
- The Gough Map
- Digital literacy training:
- Research Data Management:
The University of Tokyo Library System
Special information for services for students and academics on services during COVID 19
- Because of the COVID-19, there's a possibility that library may be closed. Please check the latest information when using the library.
Digital collections openly accessible to all

- UTokyo Repository
- UTokyo Repository is the system to store and provide digital resources created by members of the University of Tokyo community. Its main purpose is to develop digital collections, make them available online, and preserve them for long-term access.
- UTokyo Academic Archives Portal
- Discover 166,677 items from across the University of Tokyo
- Digital literacy training
Yale University Library
Special information for services for students and academics on services during COVID 19
- Library staff are providing online services and support for Yale classes and research. All library buildings are closed. Read more
- COVID-19: Temporary Free Resources
Digital collections openly accessible to all

- Yale University Library Digital Collections including:
- Arabic and Persian Medical Books and Manuscripts
- Connecticut Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps
- Day Missions Collection: Annual Reports
- Day Missions Collection: Periodicals
- Divinity Library Photographs
- Israel Sack, Inc., Archive
- Lewis Walpole Library Digital Collection
- Manuscripts and Archives Archival Materials
- Manuscripts and Archives Digital Library
- Maurice Durand Han Nom Handwritten and Woodblock Manuscripts
- Persian Philological Texts
- School of Drama Photographs, 1927-2001
- The Henry A. Kissinger Papers, Parts II and III
- The New England Indian Papers Series
- Visual Resources Collection
- Yale Silk Road
- Projects from the Yale Digital Lab providing openly accessible resources including:
- The Kan'ichi Asakawa Epistolary Network Project
- Babylonian Collection Digital Imaging
- ChirilaDB
- Cinécircuits
- Co-Education at Yale
- Mapping Post-War Networks
- Cuneiform Commentaries Project
- Decretum Gratiani
- Digital Editing and the Medieval Manuscript Roll
- Jonathan Edwards Online
- La Greguería Virtual
- Digital Himalaya
- Historian's Eye
- The Media Concept
- Digital Archive of Medieval Song
- Medieval Manuscripts
- Modernism Lab
- Multilateral Moneyball
- Open the City
- Passages to Freedom
- Pauli Murray: A Digiography
- Performap
- Slavery & Abolition Portal
- Ten Thousand Rooms
- Digital literacy training:
Research Guides - Research Data Management:
Resources for Research Data Management