From the University Librarian

26 July 2024



‘The unexpected poetry of PhD Acknowledgments’ by Tabitha Carvan (College of Science) provides an insight into the experiences of PhD students … it’s a fabulous multimedia essay. Do read it!



Yumma Darruwa Ngunnawal


SIS acknowledges that our services are delivered from Ngunnawal and Ngambri country.

We acknowledge and celebrate the First Australians on whose traditional lands we meet and pay our respect to the elders past and present.




COVID inspections are no longer required. If you see supplies are running low of hand sanitiser or masks do let the relevant people know in your building.

Please read all the messages from the University about COVID 19.

All COVID updates will be communicated to staff and students via the ANU On Campus email newsletter. You can find previous staff On Campus and student On Campus editions online.



Welcome to new students!

Thanks to everyone contributing to O-Week and Bush Week activities. The tours have been very well received.


Note from Michelle C:

Thank you to all our staff for your amazing work during Orientation. We appreciate you sharing your time and expertise with new students, returning students, and the entire ANU community. Whether you worked at the Market Day stall, ran tours or workshops, spoke at college inductions, contributed to the development and delivery of materials, or worked extra desk/LibCal shifts to allow your colleagues to participate --- your contributions are valued and appreciated! Orientation is a fantastic time for us to connect with students, perform outreach, and promote our services/resources. So, thank you for participating! Big thanks also to Sarah and Nic for their hard work preparing for O-Week behind the scenes.




The quarterly reports have been submitted to Figtree. An application has been made to the R&I WHS budget for the emergency bins for Symonston.


Archives presentation

A group of people in a room

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Catherine Ziegler gave special insights to the ANU Archives research collections for students in the winter-intensive ‘Gender and Sexuality in the Pacific’.



Next SIS Staff meetings

9.30 to 11am at the China in the World auditorium

#3 Tuesday 3 September

Christina Page, WEG, presenting on psychosocial risks


#4 Tuesday 3 December





Fabulous progress continues. Monographs can now be requested for retrieval. Work continues on a number of issues including security and overall collection management issues.


Art & Music Library

The retrieval services from the collection at the Art & Music Library continues. Work will occur in August and September on shelving, including the removal of the compactus and work to accommodate the new shelving.



A busy year – back to pre-COVID (mostly)


Apr - Jun 2024

YTD 2024




2023 to 2024

Research services





ANU Press





Number of titles published





Press views





Digital Scholarship





No. of works digitised





Open Research collection size (cumulative)





Open Research downloads





Maps/visualisations created





Student and academic capabilities





SIS engagement





Clients attending training courses





Number of training sessions





Research consultations





Libraries and Archives





Library collections





Print resources borrowed





Electronic resources used





Library clients





Reference enquiries





Other enquiries





Building visits










Physical archives used





Archives enquiries





Records (ERMS)





Total new folders created





Total new documents created







Trivia night

Thank you so much to Vanessa for organising this – so clever – “can you sleigh the competition”!

Super creative, fun and community spirited – well done.

The following SIS areas were represented – from Client Services Chifley, Law, Hancock, Symonston and Doc Del; CAD, Digitisation, Archives, and ACDC. A really lovely mix, SM1s to ANUO2/3s.

Well done to Vanessa and all involved.




Our last mid-year graduation ceremony was a joyous occasion for students and their families.

A person and person in graduation gowns

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Megan Easton and DVC R&I Prof Lachlan Blackall.



Eric Fry Labour History Research Grant

Congratulations to this year’s recipient of the Eric Fry Labour History Research Grant, Emily House. The grant enables Emily to travel to Canberra and conduct research at the Noel Butlin Archives Centre at ANU. This project will form part of her PhD thesis which she is currently undertaking at Griffith University.




CAUL has a great set of Communities of Practice, which you can view online.

There will be an election for Director (Elected) of the CAUL Board. There is one vacant position, and two members have nominated.



The latest CAUL and UA Copyright newsletters are out now.






Dear Mel and Cathy,


On behalf of CECC Student Services, I wanted to say big THANK YOU for your contributions to our new student induction sessions. Your presentation helped to set a positive tone for our new students as they begin their academic journey at CECC.


We look forward to more collaborations in the future. Thank you again for your time in supporting our students.


From CASS:

Just like to say a big thank you for sending Broderick this morning, it was an extremely valuable session. Will continue to run next semester 😃


Hi everyone,


I wanted to reach out to thank you for your participation and support during our O-Week. Your contributions played a pivotal role in making our induction sessions a success. We appreciate the time, energy, and knowledge you brought to the day.





Roxanne Missingham

Director, Scholarly Information Services








ANU Press and open access


UNESCO announces intent to launch new diamond OA Alliance

On July 10, UNESCO held a webcast announcing the launch of a new proposed Global Diamond Open Access Alliance. Speakers at the event reviewed the 2021 UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science, and reiterated the value of the Diamond Open Access model as a community-owned and governed mechanism for knowledge dissemination. While few details were provided, UNESCO officials alluded to a potential consultation process.



New ANU Press titles


Small Islands in Peril?

Small Islands in Peril? Island Size and Island Lives in Melanesia. Edited by Colin Filer 



Open repository


Australian ORCID Consortium Year in Review 2023

2023 was another successful year for the ORCID Consortium led by the Australian Access Federation (AAF). With 44 members across Australia, and over 172,000 ORCID IDs connected by member integrations, ORCID continues to play a significant role in Australia’s higher education and research sector.

Session 1: OA Foundations

Session 2: OA Case Studies 

Session 3: Emerging Issues in OA

Read more here.



Recent additions

Law and Love in Monasticism. (Routledge, 2022) Neoh, Joshua; Calo, Zachary R.; Neoh, Joshua; Thompson, A Keith.

Changes in loneliness prevalence and its associated factors among Bangladeshi older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic. (Public Library of Science, 2022) Kanti Mistry, Sabuj; Ali, ARM Mehrab; Yadav, Uday; Khanam, Fouzia; Huda, Md Nazmul.

Remembering Lawrie Powell 1934-2022. (Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2022) Farrell, Geoffrey; Crawford, Darrell; Anderson, Greg.

Using a Feminist Tongue: Exploring the Speech Genre of Sexual Violence Prevention within University Documents. (2023) Sherlock, Harriet.

The social relations of data governance: Who benefits most from the Australian Data Strategy? (2022) Weliwita, Oshini.



Keeping up to date


The end of libraries as we know them?

In this podcast Chris Hayes speaks with Internet Archive founder Brewster Kahle and Library Futures co-founder Kyle Courtney about why megapublishers are suing to redefine e-books as legally different from paper books.


Tracing the origins of ‘publish or perish’

Vladimir Moskovkin explores this topic from Eugene Garfield’s questioning in 1996 to modern usage. Spoiler alert, he found snippets of four not fully identified works, published from 1927 to 1940, while searching in Google Books in the time interval 1920-1940. 


Privacy law

Human rights and Digital Rights Watch founder Lizzie O'Shea has said Australia’s privacy law reform is 'decades out of date' and calls for urgent measures to protect against the rapid growth of artificial intelligence. The comments were submitted this week to a parliamentary inquiry on adopting artificial intelligence


Resisting restrictive AI clauses in licences

Useful guidance on how to deal with restrictive clauses relating to artificial intelligence in licences. 


Recommended Formats Statement (RFS)

The Library of Congress has announced the release of the 2024-2025 Recommended Formats Statement (RFS), as it enters its second decade as a vital resource for both the Library of Congress and the wider community who seek to create, collect and preserve published works in all forms. The 2024-2025 edition brings several significant changes, such as its support for digital accessibility features as a criterion for evaluating digital formats and the addition of a FAQ or Frequently Asked Questions in response to user feedback.


Academic journals are a lucrative scam – and we’re determined to change that

Arash Abizadeh advocates for change “Giant publishers are bleeding universities dry, with profit margins that rival Google’s. So we decided to start our own…We were sick of the academic publishing racket and had decided to try something different. We wanted to launch a journal that would be truly open access, ensuring anyone could read our articles. This will be published by the Open Library of Humanities, a not-for-profit publisher funded by a consortium of libraries and other institutions.” Read more here.


Privacy act changes

The Australian Government has confirmed its commitment to introduce a new direct right of action for breaches of the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (the Act) or the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs), and a statutory tort for serious invasions of privacy. Draft legislation is expected in coming months. Read more here.


Australian IP Report 2024: Highlights and Key Trends

Herbert Smith Freehill’s post on IP Australia's annual Australian IP Report summarises insights and developments in intellectual property, including trends in Australia's IP landscape.


Special Issue: Using Visual AI Applied to Digital Archives

This issue of Digital humanities quarterly includes a range of interesting articles:

·       Towards a National Data Architecture for Cultural Collections: Designing the Australian Cultural Data Engine

·       Sensitivity and Access: Unlocking the Colonial Visual Archive with Machine Learning

·       Augmenting Access to Embodied Knowledge Archives: A Computational Framework


Implementing for Impact: Measuring Open Science for the SDGs

The recording of the Dag Hammarskjöld Library’s virtual session “Implementing for Impact: Measuring Open Science for the SDGs” is now available on their website.



From HR


Professional Staff Scholarship Scheme (PSSS) and Professional Staff Development Endowment Fund (PSDEF) – Open on 1 July to 9 August 2024

The Professional Staff Scholarship Scheme (PSSS) funding supports identified career development priorities that contribute towards the professional growth of individual staff.

The Professional Staff Development Endowment Fund (PSDEF) is used to support short courses, conferences and comparable professional development initiatives that do not lead towards a formal qualification.


Wellbeing leave

Staff can take up to two days per year (pro-rata for part-time staff) of designated leave to focus on their own mental and physical wellbeing. Guidance is available on the website.





Latest Updates from the HASS and Indigenous Research Data Commons

Discover the latest news, resources and upcoming events for the HASS and Indigenous research data community in this update from Jenny Fewster, Director, HASS and Indigenous Research Data Commons. 


Shaping Research Software: An Interview with Dr Kate Harborne

Dr Kate Harborne, an astrophysicist and Research Associate at the International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research who specialises in numerical simulations and galaxy evolution provides her insights. Kate was given the 2024 ARDC-sponsored Emerging Leaders in Astronomy Software Development Prize by the Astronomical Society of Australia for developing SimSpin, a software package that bridges a tremendous gap between theoretical and observational astronomy. Read the article online.



Coming events


Best Practice Guidance for Using Indigenous Artwork

When? 1 August 2024

Where? Online

More details. HopgoodGanim Lawyers are hosting a webinar to give practical guidance about using Indigenous artwork. Register now.


IFLA Presidents meeting

When? 30 September to 3 October 2024

Where?  Brisbane

More details. More information is available online.


International Conference on AI for Libraries, Archives, and Museums (AI4LAM) (Fantastic futures)

When? 15–18 October 2024

Where?  Canberra

More details. More information is available online.


Australian Society of Archivists (ASA, Archives & Records Association of NZ Te Huinga Mahara (ARANZ) and the Pacific Regional Branch of the International Council of Archives (PARBICA) conference

When? 22-25 October 2024

Where?  Christchurch, NZ

More details. The theme is: Opening the Archives. Early notice is online.

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