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From the University Librarian

3 November 2023

Roxanne Missingham and Brian Schmidt cut a cake that reads 'Celebrating 100 million'

Celebrating 100 million downloads from ANU Press and ANU Open Repository!



Yumma Darruwa Ngunnawal


Acknowledging we are on Ngunnawal and Ngambri country is very important for our Division.

In these complex times I encourage you to read about First Nations Portfolio Vice-President Professor Peter Yu’s speech at the Wangka Kanyilku Wangkawa: Decolonising First Nations’ Languages Conference 2023, hosted by The Goldfields Aboriginal Languages Centre Abor. Corp. (GALCAC), on Wangkatja Country in Kalgoorlie, Western Australia.



COVID inspections are no longer required. If you see supplies are running low of hand sanitiser or masks do let the relevant people know in your building.

Please read all the messages from the University about COVID 19.

All COVID updates will be communicated to staff and students via the weekly On Campus email newsletter. You can find previous staff On Campus and student On Campus editions here.


SIS end of year event

The end of year party will be help on Friday 8 December at 3pm. Put it in your diary now!


Text reads:

You're invited to the SIS End of Year Party. Friday 8 December, 3pm to 5pm. Outside the Hanna Neiman Building #145.

Theme: lawn games

BYO plate to share

Non-alcoholic drinks provided

RSVP: Vanessa Galloway or Alisha Nolan via email


SIS Symposium

The Symposium video is now available on YouTube! A mammoth task, delivered brilliantly as always by the amazing Nic. A very big thank you to everyone who assisted, attended, and the speakers.

The video has chapter links to each presenter, so staff can jump around to the section they want.

Links to the video and presentations are also on the Symposium website.


End of year arrangements for Art & Music and Menzies

Hail remediation continues - confirming the end of year arrangements for Art & Music and Menzies in relation to roof works:

·       The A&M branch will close 8 December  2023 -  reopen 8 January 2024.

·       The Menzies Branch will close 5pm 15 December 2023 – reopening Tuesday 2nd January at 9am.

Click and collect will operate during this period.


100 million downloads

ANU Open Research Repository and ANU Press have now reached over 100 million downloads of FREE titles, highlighting our commitment to open access information, and living the value that knowledge should be free to all.


We celebrated this fantastic milestone with a ceremonial cake cutting with ANU Vice Chancellor Brian Schmidt on Thursday 2 November.


A big thank you and congratulations to the ANU Press and ANU Open Research Repository teams for their commitment to ensuring that research published by ANU is made freely available, growing the impact of our researchers, and contributing to the development and knowledge available to future generations.


Thank you to Sarah Biggerstaff for organising the event and campaign.


Find out more about ANU Press, ANU Open Access repository and the value of open access research in our latest news story.

A cake with icing that reads 'celebrating 100 million'


University Research Committee

Strategic items discussed at the meeting this week included:

·       Multi Disciplinary Research Priorities

·       HDR Oral Examination Proposal

·       Equity Interests Framework Update

·       Practice led research working group

·       Artificial Intelligence Principles

·       Also discussed:

·       PhD and MPhil establishment - CECC

·       HDR Program Amendments CAP

·       HDR Program Amendments CASS

·       Tech Policy Design Centre Proposal



A reminder that the SIS WHS page can be found here.


Teaching & Learning Committee

The meeting this week included 3 papers from the division:

·       Student Voice and Feedback

·       SIS Strategic Activities addressing the Learning and Teaching Strategy

·       Indigenous Knowledge – SIS Strategic Approach


Law Library – level 2 closure

The lights on level 2 made a bold bid for freedom resulting in closure of the affected areas.

Photograph of light fixtures ripped out of the ceiling and on the desks in the Law library - debris is on the floor.



Thank you so much Rob, Tom, and others involved in the move – more progress was made in the last fortnight:


Compactases and filing cabinets in a storage room


A wide angle photo of an empty storage facility with a number of compactuces and filing cabinets


Donation to Vanuatu

From Jacky Clements:

I had a lovely holiday in Vanuatu a couple of weeks ago and visited the National Library in Port Vila to donate two books to help in replacing some of the collection that has been damaged during cyclones earlier this year. I met with Acting National Librarian Nelly Caleb, who was very grateful to receive books from the ANU Library.

This is part on an ongoing project with the National Library of Vanuatu to support collection rebuilding, facilitated by Emeritus Professor Matthew Spriggs, who resides in Port Vila, and works closely with the National Library and National Cultural centre.

The 2 titles donated are:

·       Guiart, J. (1963) Structure de la Chefferie en Melanesie du Sud

·       Hadfield, E. (1920) Among the Natives of the Loyalty Group

There are a number of other titles that the ANU library may be donating to the NLV, and we will work with colleagues in CAP-CHL to send across to Port Vila in the coming months.

Photograph of Jacky Clements and Nelly Caleb, holding a book and smiling


Liaisons networking session

Thanks to Wan, Fonny, and colleagues for organizing a fabulous event including an amazing morning team to introduce library staff and their work the colleagues in CAP.

The sessions were very interesting:

·       Library (Roxanne/Tom/Jacky)

·       Academic Competencies & Digital Capabilities (ACDC) team (Caroline)

·       Centre for Learning and Teaching (CLT) team

·       Careers & Employability team

·       Transdisciplinary Problem Solving LibGuide EFS (Dr Chris Browne & Dr Alex Richardson) 

·       EFS (Dr Chris Browne & Melde) 


Photograph of staff in the McDonald Room at Menzies


Wildlife visits Law

Thanks to Catherine Ziegler for the photo and text.

“This morning a kangaroo was being chased around the lawn in front of Law by a magpie on one side and miner birds on the other. It made several loops around the buildings that I watched as I walked down from the yurt on East Road until I got close enough for some photos and video. I called security as it was making a circuit of the walkways and might trigger the doors and go inside to escape the birds.”

Photograph of a Kangaroo being chased by a magpie outside of the Law Library



Farewell Janette Wright University Librarian Federation University. She has announced that her last working day will be the 23rd of December 2023.  She has made a great contribution to many areas of librarianship.

Congratulations to Janette Burke, UTAS and Wardle Architects on winning the 2023 National Award for Educational Architecture for the Inveresk Library at the University of Tasmania. See her presentation on the project at the IFLA Library Buildings & Equipment Section seminar in March 2023.



President Biden signed an Executive Order on artificial intelligence creating federal guidelines to mitigate the risks associated with the rapid development of AI while also leveraging the opportunities associated with the technology. The Executive Order directs federal agencies to take sweeping actions to ensure the responsible It amongst other things directs the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office to consult with the Copyright Office to issue recommendations to the President on potential executive actions on copyright and AI, including the scope of protection for works produced using AI and the treatment of copyrighted works in AI training.

Library Copyright Alliance Supports US Copyright Office Exemption for Libraries, Archives, and Museums Breaking Digital Locks to Create Preservation Copies Read more here.




Roxanne Missingham

Director, Scholarly Information Services



ANU Press and open access


American Chemical Society (ACS) and authors’ rights retention

Sally Rumsey argues that the American Chemical Society’s (ACS) new zero embargo policy perpetuates an increasingly out-of-touch and outdated position taken by some publishers, who aim to prevent researchers from retaining their rights to use their own work as they choose.

Plan S

The paper Towards responsible publishing: a proposal from cOAlition S is online (PDF, 3.9MB).

Layal Liverpool’s article in Nature reports on the announcement which seeks “all versions of an article and its associated peer-review reports to be published openly from the outset, without authors paying any fees, and for authors, rather than publishers, to decide when and where to first publish their work”.

UC to end funding support for open access publishing with IEEE

The University of California will end open access publishing support through its agreement with IEEE effective January 1, 2024. The UC libraries’ funding support for page charges will also end at that time. Reading access to IEEE publications will continue without interruption — essentially reverting to the type of agreement UC had with IEEE prior to the open access publishing pilot.

De Gruyter Subscribe to Open (S2O)

De Gruyter is implementing the Subscribe to Open (S2O) model to transform our journal portfolio to Open Access (OA) over the next 5 years. They aim to transfer about 85% of our current 320 subscription journals to free online access through S2O. Information on how S2O can be found on the S2O webpage.

arXiv Receives $10 million in gifts and grants for upgrades

Cornell Tech has announced a total of more than $10 million in gifts and grants from the Simons Foundation and the National Science Foundation, respectively, to support arXiv, a free distribution service and open-access archive for scholarly articles. The funding will allow the growing repository with more than 2 million articles to migrate to the cloud and modernize its code to ensure reliability, fault tolerance and accessibility for researchers.

New titles

Cover image of Return to Volcano Town

Return to Volcano Town: Reassessing the 1937–1943 Volcanic Eruptions at Rabaul


Adapting for Inertia

Adapting for Inertia: Delivering Large Government ICT Projects in Australia and New Zealand by: Grant Douglas


Cover image of A Young Englishman in Victorian Hong Kong, By Benjamin Penny

A Young Englishman in Victorian Hong Kong By Benjamin Penny


Cover image of Sisters in Peace The Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom in Australia, 1915–2015

Sisters in Peace: The Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom in Australia, 1915–2015 by: Kate Laing


Open repository


Using Altmetric Data Responsibly: A Guide to Interpretation and Good Practice

A comprehensive guide Using Altmetric Data Responsibly: A Guide to Interpretation and Good Practice (PDF, 2.4MB) has been published to aid librarians, practitioners, funders, and a wide array of altmetric data users navigate and comprehend altmetrics as a key component beyond bibliometrics. Authored by Rachel Miles from Virginia Tech and Robyn Price from Imperial College London, this guide provides an in-depth overview on incorporating altmetrics into bibliometric practice, research analytics, and responsible decision-making.


How can open data sharing policies be more attentive to qualitative researchers?

Susie Weller outlines how an ethics of care is essential to making open qualitative data practical and ethical.


New research resources

·       What Do Australians Talk About When They Talk About “Parliamentary Sovereignty”?

·       An Ethics of Science Communication

·       Learner characteristics of m-learning preferences

·       Analysis of tubular receivers for concentrating solar tower systems with a range of working fluids, in exergy-optimised flow-path configurations

·       A nash stable cross-layer coalitional game for resource utilization in device-to-device communications


Keeping up to date


2024 EDUCAUSE Top 10: Institutional Resilience

EDUCAUSE notes that the pandemic has left us with a changed world, and we can no longer assume that business as usual is punctuated by only the occasional unforeseen bad event. Anomaly is the new normal. The 2024 EDUCAUSE Top 10 describes the contributions that technology, data, and the workforce will play to advance three dimensions of institutional resilience: Mission Resilience, Operational Resilience, and Financial Resilience.


2024 EDUCAUSE Top 10  (click to download full PDF)

Download the 2024 EDUCAUSE Top 10 infographic.


Open science policies and best practices in academic and research libraries

Proceedings of IFLA Academic & Research Libraries (ARL) Section's latest successful webinar series - Open science policies and best practices in academic and research libraries - are now available on their website.


IFLA Journal

Volume 49 Number 3 October 2023 is now available (PDF, 4.6MB). Articles include:

·       A study on the knowledge and perception of artificial intelligence - A Subaveerapandiyan, C Sunanthini and Mohammad Amees

·       Copyright literacy of library and information science professionals in Pakistan - Ghalib Khan and Muhammad Basir

·       Identifying trends in information security and privacy concern research - Maor Weinberger and Dan Bouhnik

Publishing changes

Brill and De Gruyter jointly announce that an agreement has been reached to form De Gruyter Brill.

Analysis & Policy Observatory (APO)

The APO is preparing to close on 15 December 2023, with the last newsletter to be sent on 15 November 2023. APO’s future has been uncertain for some time. After 21 years, Swinburne University of Technology will cease funding for APO at the end of this year.


Springer Nature expands its AI capability with acquisition of Slimmer AI’s Science division

Springer Nature has signed a definitive agreement which will see the Netherlands’ Slimmer AI’s Science division (S-AI) join the company. AI will speed up and improve the publishing process by:

·       Identifying appropriate editors to guide a manuscript through the submission process,

·       Increasing reviewer acceptance rates by recommending the best people to peer review a manuscript, and Safeguarding the integrity of the scientific record by automating the identification of potential problems with papers, such as plagiarism.


Quantifying Consolidation in the Scholarly Journals Market

David Crotty finds that the market has significantly consolidated since 2000, in this article on the Scholarly Kitchen.


Coming events


First Nations collection description guidelines for the library sector

When? 14 Nov 2023 12.30pm

Where?  Online

More details. This webinar marks the official launch of 'Guidelines for First Nations Collection Description' for the Australian library sector. Written by Tui Raven, the guidelines have been produced as a collaboration between five organisations: the Australian Library & Information Association (ALIA), National and State Libraries Australasia (NSLA), the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS), the Council of Australian University Librarians (CAUL) and CAVAL. Click here for more information and to book.


Canadian-Australian Partnership for Open Scholarship conference

When? 28-29 November 2023

Where?  Sydney

More details. Conference Theme: Creative Approaches to Open Social Scholarship. Visit the website for more information.


ALIA national conference

When? 6-9 May 2024

Where?  Adelaide

More details. Conference Theme: Truth and Dare. With this theme, we extend an invitation for First Nations Truth Telling, we showcase the battle against disinformation, and we dare ourselves to push our work forward to continue to bring vibrant, relevant services to library users and communities. Visit the website for more information.


ALIA Library Technicians Symposium

When? 20 March 2024

Where?  TBA

More details. The theme is “Embracing the library Revolution'. The aim of the symposium is to explore how these issues and events are impacting the roles of library technicians, library officers, librarians and allied information professionals to Revitalise our professional practice and services; Review our commitment and impact to the Sustainable Development Goals; and Reposition and promote our value in the broader contextual environment. Visit the website for more information.




ARDC Awarded $46.4 Million in NCRIS 2023 Funding

The ARDC has been awarded $46.4 million in NCRIS 2023 Funding from the Australian Government to optimise and expand the HASS and Indigenous, People, and Planet Research Data Commons.

Introducing Liam Jensen, the ARDC’s New Indigenous Intern

In October 2023, the ARDC welcomed Liam Jensen to our Indigenous internship program.

International Data Week 2025

Start planning your trip to Brisbane, Australia for International Data Week 2025, a global event to celebrate and advance the role of data in science and society.


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