From the University Librarian

20 October 2023

Our goddesses and gods - in Greek mythology Mnemosyne is the goddess of memory and the mother of the nine Muses by her nephew Zeus


Yumma Darruwa Ngunnawal

Welcome from Ngunnawal and Ngambri country.

We warmly welcome Della Fraser as our Indigenous Projects manager. Do say hello to her in the Chifley Library. She is in on Thursday and Fridays.



COVID inspections are no longer required. If you see supplies are running low of hand sanitiser or masks do let the relevant people know in your building.

Please read all the messages from the University about COVID 19.

All COVID updates will be communicated to staff and students via the weekly On Campus email newsletter. You can find previous staff On Campus and student On Campus editions online.



SIS End of year event

Put it in your diary now!


Breastfeeding Friendly Workplace

Fabulous news – Prof Venville, DVC Academic has announced that ANU has successfully received accreditation as a Breastfeeding Friendly Workplace from the Australian Breastfeeding Association. This achievement reflects our commitment to providing a supportive and inclusive environment for all members of our community, including staff and students who are breastfeeding. You can see the spaces on the interactive campus map including those in ANU libraries.


Academic Board

Academic Board considered a wide range of very important areas at its meeting last week including:

·       Coursework Courses Grades Distribution Analysis Report, Semester 1 2023

·       Artificial Intelligence – ANU Institutional Principles

·       Academic Board Self-Assessment

·       Academic Standards

·       Learning and Teaching Committee

·       Confirmation of Candidature – Milestone Proposal

Academic Board noted the report on the achievements of the Library in increasing Open Access through Read and Publish agreements, ANU Press and the University’s repositories.


SIS symposium

Thank you to everyone who made the symposium a great success.

Slides from the presentations and a recording of the event are available online.




We’d love your feedback about what we should do next year.



A reminder that the SIS WHS page can be found here.



Great work by CC and F&S means all is on track. The Menzies carpet replacement will happen – details as they are known are sent to staff in the building. There will be some interruption in December which we hope will be as small as possible.


Law Library

Thanks to everyone for the remediation work on the water that came in with the heavy rain this week. 26 carrels were damaged – Tom is following up.


DA Brown

Termites were found in the building and have been treated. Other work is occurring to remediate damage that has occurred over time.


Menzies staff activity

Great community activities in Menzies Library. Thank you Wan and Miyuki. Funds were raised for the RSPCA.


Academic visit - Menzies

Prof. Peter Friedlander and Dr Chris Diamond visited Menzies last week. Peter and Chris have kindly provided some advice regarding our Hindi Reference materials for the Menzies Collections review project. They are also planning to come back to review by sight the collection again next week. Thank you so much to Wan and colleagues for the great partnership with academics (and the fabulous organisation & catering!).




Welcome Dinah Withey

Dinah will be joining us to work in the Administrative position that Margaret Prescott held. She commences next Monday and is planning to work Monday – Thursday 10am-3pm. Do say hello to her.


End of year is coming!

December cut off dates have been provided by DSS and forwarded to SIS managers.


Service Effectiveness Assessment

PPM is running a survey to measure importance and satisfaction with administrative and support services as experienced by professional and academic staff, with questions sent to selected staff.



·       Professor Steve Wilcox, Dean, Academic, University of the Sunshine Coast, has commenced as acting Library Director.

·       CAUL and Open Access Australasia (OAA) have issued a statement addressing the American Chemical Society's (ACS) newly introduced Article Development Charge (ADC) model. The statement outlines our substantial concerns about the model's ramifications for open access, equitable publishing, and the scholarly communication landscape more broadly.




·       Indigenous Cultural and Intellectual Property: A very useful new guide from the National Library.

·       SPARC recording of session on controlled digital lending is online. Remember we have no legal basis for this in Australia but we have 200AB.



Late last year the Facilities and Services Division (F&S) initiated an Open Request for Tender (RFT) to procure cleaning services for the ANU Acton Campus. The RFT has now been through a stringent, detailed evaluation process and the contract negotiation process has been finalised. The 3 providers who have been awarded contracts are:

          Menzies International Pty Ltd

          HCV Cleaning Pty

          G.J.&K Cleaning Services Pty Limited

Rob is attending briefings.



Request for participants for a survey on academic library information literacy instruction

Dr Amy Butler at the University of South Australia is looking for participants in a survey. She has provided the following information “I am interested in capturing the perspectives of librarians who are involved information literacy instruction via a short, 15-minute online survey that asks about information literacy instruction delivery practices, how information literacy is approached at your library and what impacts COVID-19 had on these services.”

If you are interested in participating do contact her at




Hi Sarah,


Just a note to say thank you again for the talk and tour yesterday. The students loved it! They’re a quiet bunch, but I think they found your talk hit exactly the right tone and issues and they particularly enjoyed the tour. Some mentioned that they were surprised they were allowed in to see the unprocessed material. I think they have a much better understanding of how archives work and the histories and institutional lives of the material they engage with.


Thanks again!



Hello Cathy,

Many thanks for your patience, diligence and professionalism. It was such a helpful day for the training session we had.




Roxanne Missingham

Director, Scholarly Information Services



Coming events

Canadian-Australian Partnership for Open Scholarship conference

When? November 28th-29th 2023

Where?  Sydney

More details. Conference Theme: Creative Approaches to Open Social Scholarship. Visit the website for more information.


ALIA national conference

When? 6-9 May 2024

Where?  Adelaide

More details. Conference Theme: Truth and Dare. With this theme, we extend an invitation for First Nations Truth Telling, we showcase the battle against disinformation, and we dare ourselves to push our work forward to continue to bring vibrant, relevant services to library users and communities. Visit the website for more information.


ALIA Library Technicians Symposium

When? 20 March 2024

Where?  TBA

More details. The theme is “Embracing the library Revolution'. The aim of the symposium is to explore how these issues and events are impacting the roles of library technicians, library officers, librarians and allied information professionals to Revitalise our professional practice and services; Review our commitment and impact to the Sustainable Development Goals; and Reposition and promote our value in the broader contextual environment. Visit the website for more information.





ANU Press and open access

Advocates for Open Access! Vital Partnerships between libraries and publishers in an Open Access landscape

Recordings and presentations from this workshop run by De Gruyter are now online:

Recorded Webinar 
Presentation: Dr. Christina Lembrecht
Presentation: Scott Warren
Presentation: Colleen Campbell 
Open Access at De Gruyter.


Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association: OASPA Conference

Presentations now online. Includes panel sessions on preprints, AI, overcoming obstacles to OA publishing and a progress check on OA publishing.


JSTOR Releasing First 100 Path to Open Books

JSTOR, part of the non-profit ITHAKA, announced early this month the release of the first books in Path to Open, a new program designed to affordably and sustainably support the open access publication of new ground breaking books in the humanities and social sciences. Launched as a pilot in January 2023, Path to Open is a delayed open access model where new books are made available to supporting libraries upon publication and become open access after three years. Thirty-seven university presses have joined the initiative along with over sixty academic libraries, including consortia like the Big Ten Academic Alliance who are looking to develop sustainable open access solutions.


The Latest Research on OER

Bay View Analytics has published its annual survey of U.S. faculty on the state of open educational resources (OER) and digital course materials. Nearly two thirds (64%) of faculty are now aware of open educational resources (OER) and nearly one third (29%) require at least one OER in at least one course. Meanwhile, the American Association of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) published a new resource, Making the Case for Open Educational Resources, which provides graphic summaries of research on the impact and efficacy of OER. The full PDF and graphics are free to download and use. 

Wiley Research Seminar Australia 2023

Great range of topics at this year’s seminar including metrics, APA views on policy, Indigenous knowledge and open access. Recordings will be available on the website in the coming weeks.



New titles

Cover image of A Young Englishman in Victorian Hong Kong, By Benjamin Penny

A Young Englishman in Victorian Hong Kong By Benjamin Penny



Open repository

Open Access Week 2023

“Community over Commercialization” is the theme for this year’s International Open Access Week (October 23-29): The website is up now.


Reputation and Publication Volume at MDPI and Frontiers

MDPI became an extraordinarily large publisher in recent years. Things are changing!  A blog post has identified the many dimensions of the most recent change. “MDPI’s largest journal, the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH), was delisted from the Web of Science (WoS) in March 2023.

Line chart showing major decline in publication volume


…The publishing model of MDPI and Frontiers has resonated with thousands of researchers. The two publishers offer a high likelihood of acceptance and speedy publication in well-ranked journals, typically coupled with peer recognition (and pressure) when publishing in guest-edited collection”.


The Research Data Management Workbook

This new work from Caltech is a useful tool.  “The Research Data Management Workbook is made up of a collection of exercises for researchers to improve their data management. The Workbook contains exercises across the data lifecycle”.


Scholarly Communication Librarianship and Open Knowledge

ACRL has announced the publication of Scholarly Communication Librarianship and Open Knowledge, edited by Maria Bonn, Josh Bolick, and Will Cross. It is intended to guide collects theory, practice, with case studies from nearly 80 experts in scholarly communication and open education.



New research resources

·       Research in Brief: Exploring Perceptions of Needs for the Same Patient Across Disciplines Using Mixed Reality: A Pilot Study

·       Knowledge base of teaching English to young learners

·       Computational design of next generation atom transfer radical polymerization ligands

·       Coastal Lawscape: A framework for understanding the complexities of climate change adaptation

·       Winning? The Politics of Victory in an Era of Endless War



Keeping up to date

Serial price predictions

Ebsco serial price report 2024 is out now.

Predicted increases:

·       Print 4-5%

·       Individual E-Journals 3-4%

·       E-Journal Packages 2-3%

·       “The decline of print materials and the use of electronic resources are still on the rise.”


College & Research Libraries News

The October 2023 issue of College & Research Libraries News (C&RL News) is now freely available online both as a full issue PDF and as individual articles. Articles include:

·       Amy B. James and Ellen Hampton Filgo .”

·       Danny Kingsley .”


AI: from JISC

AI Detection – Latest Recommendations: The National Centre for AI (NCAI) has had a number of questions around AI detection software. They have now produced some updated advice.

Navigating the terms and conditions of generative AI. The discussion around the use of generative AI tools in education is ongoing. This blog post from the NCAI looks at the user agreements in place across a number of these tools.


Artificial intelligence in the context of cultural heritage and museums: Complex challenges and new opportunities

The European Parliamentary Research Service has issued a briefing note, "Artificial intelligence in the context of cultural heritage and museums: Complex challenges and new opportunities". The Note provides examples of how AI has benefited cultural heritage and museums.


Inclusiveness through Openness

All videos and slides from this August IFLA Academic & Research Libraries Section (ARL) Satellite conference to the 2023 WLIC in Rotterdam IFLA conference are now available:


Cultural Heritage Data as Humanities Research Data

The abstracts from the DARIAH Annual Event 2023: Cultural Heritage Data as Humanities Research Data? are now available online. The keynote lecture and keynote panel on the event’s theme: an opening lecture by Thomas Padilla (Deputy Director at Archiving and Data Services of the Internet Archive) entitled ‘A Mutualistic View of AI in the Library or a Continuation of Craft’ and a closing keynote panel entitled are online.


How is technology impacting on the teaching and researching in law?

This article by Professor Michael Adams reflects some of the aspects of change from the perspective of someone with an inherent love of technology, who has observed its changing face in the world of legal research and teaching.  You can read the article online.


A new data landscape and how to navigate it

How can organisations thrive when dealing with era-defining issues like AI and data privacy? Nuix gathered some of Australia’s best tech and privacy minds to answer the question. Read the highlights online.


LJ: Year in Architecture 2023

The Year in Architecture 2023. Library journal’s annual over view – they conclude “Overview: Modest, Yet Celebratory”.


Interview with the Archivist of the United States

Colleen Shogan, the first woman to head the Archives, talks on C-SPAN on her stewardship of the National Archives and the controversies over White House records involving Donald Trump and Joe Biden.


From HR

Dear all,

The Professional Staff Scholarship Scheme (PSSS) will hold an additional round in 2023. Round 3, 2023 is currently open, due to close on Wednesday 1 November 2023, at 5:00pm.

Please let your areas and colleagues know that applications are currently open.

The Professional Staff Scholarship Scheme supports a range of career development programs and initiatives to advance the skills and knowledge of professional staff. Priority is given to development initiatives that provide staff a formal qualification.

Further information for PSSS and how to apply via the website.

Please direct any queries about this grant opportunity to


Kind regards,



Kate Witenden

Chief People Officer



Shaping Research Software: An Interview with Roozbeh Valavi

Dr Roozbeh Valavi, a Senior Research Scientist at CSIRO who won the 2023 ARDC New Developers of Open Source Software in Ecology award for his software package for assessing the accuracy of ecological models shares his thoughts. Read more here.


Greg Laughlin

Greg Laughlin served as Senior Data Policy Advisor at ANDS and the ANDS-RDS-NECTAR joint entity. He retired around the time of the incorporation of ARDC. His work contributed to a maturing of data policy at Australia's research institutions and big research funding agencies including fundamental changes to the Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research and its Data Guide.

He has died and our condolences have been passed to his wife Helen, son Oliver, and brother Kit.

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