From the University Librarian

28 July 2023


Thank to Sarah Lethbridge for her good work in identifying a significant risk to the collection.  This dangerous animal has been lurking at the exit door of the DA Brown Building.


Yumma Darruwa Ngunnawal


Welcome from Ngunnawal and Ngambri country.

In August the First Nations Portfolio will examine economic self-determination as a human right, and contemplate how First Nations realise economic self-determination.

The seminar series follows on from the success of the 2022 Marramarra murru (Creating Pathways) Economic Development Wealth Forum and Symposium and is designed to bring together leading practitioners and scholars to ensure we remain on track to deliver a compelling, evidence-based case to transition from the current First Nations economic development policy paradigm to one that enables economic self-determination.

The Murru waaruu Seminar Series seeks to develop the components of a policy framework that will facilitate the economic empowerment of First Nations Australians.



COVID inspections are no longer required. If you see supplies are running low of hand sanitiser or masks do let the relevant people know in your building.

Please read all the messages from the University about COVID 19.

All COVID updates will be communicated to staff and students via the weekly On Campus email newsletter. You can find previous staff On Campus and student On Campus editions here.



Library Staff Consultative Committee

Welcome to new member Megan Baumhammer, from the Law Library.


All positions are now filled.



Academic Quality Assessment Committee

A great range of issues were discussed at the meeting last week including:

·       Report from the Chair

·       Implementation of Working Party and Review Recommendations

·      Confirmation of Enrolment Report 2022

·      Academic Integrity eForm Update

·       Undergraduate Awards

·       Graduate Awards

·       Academic Integrity Incident Report

·       Recognition of AEMG DEP EAP3 for Direct Admission

·       Use of predicted results for undergraduate admissions

·       Internal Audit Report - Student Benchmarking

·       Application and admission for coursework scholarship and external sponsorship applicants

·       Recording of Teaching Activities Policy and Procedure -Review of Working Group.



SIS Staff meeting

The next staff meeting is scheduled for Thursday 21 September – speakers and topic are:

·       How does ANU make decisions and govern itself? ANU Secretary Belinda Farrelly on Governance

·       Megan Easton policy guru on ANU policies


Please note the meeting will commence at 1.30pm.




Thanks to Peter Shaw for his great work as HSR representative (and also for his contribution to so many things over his time with us). He will be retiring in September and there will be a call for nominations a replacement HSR representative in August.


WEG has useful information on Injury prevention here.




·       CAUL is analysing the accord.




·       A proposed class action claims that Google has, in effect, misappropriated the data of hundreds of millions of Americans for use in its A.I. development programs. “A proposed class action lawsuit claims that Google violated consumers’ rights to privacy and committed copyright infringement by “scraping” data to develop its artificial intelligence tools.

·       "Black box" infringement: Generative AI and intellectual property rights. Colin Biggers & Paisley Lawyers analysis comments “Australia lacks an equivalent "fair use" defence, and instead in Australia the "fair dealing" defence is substantially more restricted in scope. The fair dealing exceptions in Australia are limited to certain purposes, being study, review, satire, and news reporting (under Sections 40-42 of the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth)). By comparison, in the US, Section 107 of the Copyright Act sets out a framework for determining questions of "fair use", including considerations such as whether the use is commercial, the substantiality of the use, or whether the use is "transformative" (adding something new in terms of the purpose and character of a work), but it is not restricted to specific use cases such as study, review, satire, news reporting.” They refer to the US case of Andersen et al v. Stability AI Ltd. et al.

·       Digital collections from GLAM institutions: Policy Paper. Yaniv Benhamou looks at copyright and digitisation  noting recent study concluded that 20of the collections of European museums are available online. The focus of this paper is on museums.



Market Day and Bush Week

Thank you so much to everyone involved in Bush Week and Market Day. Student reaction has been fabulous – they are thrilled with the services offered. A big thank you to Michelle and the team for the work on briefing participants, working with the various parts of ANU to deliver a fantastic program and the enthusiasm brought to every activity. A special thanks to Nic too for the bag stuffing and those who helped.




Thanks to Alex for fabulous work on privacy.


The Privacy business plan is up now on the SIS business plans page.

The updated ANU Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) register has also been published.



Menzies Library hail remediation

The Rare books collection is now enclosed for safety during the roof replacement. Thanks to Construction Control, F&S and library staff for their fabulous work on this project.


GIS training

CartoGIS Services is a team of cartographic and geographic information system specialists working at ANU. They offer a range of training sessions on the creation, analysis, management and promotion of maps and spatial data!


·       Introduction to ArcGIS Pro (Self-paced online course)

·       Introduction to Story Maps (August 10, 17, 24 and 31)

·       Introduction to GIS Analysis for Research (September 28, and October 5, 12 and 19)


Training is free for ANU staff, HDR, and Postgraduate students.


For more information, visit the CartoGIS training webpage



Visit by Prof Marr

Thank you to Wan and colleagues for organising a fabulous visit for Prof. David Marr and thanks to Prof Marr for his kind donation – it will significantly enrich the collection.




Celebratory lunch for Prof Robert Cribb

Thank you to Wan and colleagues for organising a fabulous lunch for Prof Cribb.






Feedback on the presentation to the Procurement and Contracts community of interest about records, data governance, privacy, FOI by Megan, Kathryn, Greg and Jonathan:


Just would like to provide a feedback that I have attended Jonathan’s ERMS training couple of weeks ago. It is fantastic and super helpful! - XXX

Thank you records management team, your presentation was very informative. Jonathan’s ERMS training is extremely useful, easy to understand and being able to live test the file navigation and file creation is really helpful. Thanks again team - XXX


Melinda Burrows is a star

Dear Mel,

It has been a while, but I would like to share with you an update on this assessment. I achieved an HD of 86%! 


I would like to sincerely thank you for your support in guiding my research for the essay; it was very helpful to me. 


Kind regards,





Roxanne Missingham

Director, Scholarly Information Services



Coming events


ALIA New Librarians symposium

When? Saturday, 29 July 2023

Where?  Online

More details. The ALIA NLSX theme is “eXchange, eXplore, eXpand'. Click here for more information.


Australian Society of Archivists' 2023 National Conference

When? 5 & 6 September 2023

Where?  Melbourne

More detailsRising to our challenges: archives at the ‘G is the theme, drawing inspiration from the ‘G (MCG) as an iconic Melbourne sporting venue and landmark on unceded Wurundjeri Country. Click here for more information.



When? 11-13 July 2023

Where?  Melbourne

More details. LibPMC seeks to bring together practitioners, researchers, educators and students interested in all aspects of performance and measurement in library and information services. Click here for more information.




From HR


The Indigenous Professional Staff Grants Program (IPSGP) round 2, 2023 is currently open, with closing date Friday 11 August 2023.


Please let your areas and colleagues know that applications are currently open.


The Indigenous Professional Staff Grants Program (IPSGP) aims to support employment outcomes for Indigenous professional staff at ANU. Local areas who choose to apply are responsible for initiating and progressing the recruitment process, if successful.


Under the Indigenous Professional Staff Grants Program there will be two grants per year of up to $50,000 each ($100,000 in total per year) to support new Indigenous employment initiatives. However, due to low applications in round 1, 2023 the full amount will be available for round 2, 2023.


Initiatives could include:

·       salary subsidy for an ongoing identified position

·       subsidy for engaging an Indigenous Trainee under the ANU Indigenous Trainee Program

·       salary subsidy for a temporary secondment for existing ANU Indigenous staff member

·       specialist Indigenous Recruitment Services through external firms.

Further information and how to apply online here.


Direct any queries about this grant opportunity to


Kind regards




Kate Witenden

Chief People Officer






New Leadership Appointments at the ARDC


5 ARDC leaders

Left to right: Rosie Hicks, CEO; Jenny Fewster, Director, HASS and Indigenous Research Data Commons; Dr Sheida Hadavi, Director, Translational Research Data Commons; Dr Adrian Burton, Deputy CEO, Director, People Research Data Commons, Hamish Holewa, Director, Planet Research Data Commons.

The ARDC has recently undergone an organisational restructure in order to best position us to deliver our Thematic Research Data Commons strategy.

Congratulations to the team – particularly Adrian who has done superlative work for ARDC since its inception.

Read more here

Implementing Indigenous Data Licensing and Access: Empowering Communities and Upholding Cultural Rights

In early July 2023, over 30 participants came together at the University of Queensland on Turrbal and Jagera Country to discuss the social, cultural and technological implications of implementing data licensing and access and authentication controls for Indigenous data in Australia.


The workshop was hosted by the ARDC’s Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences and Indigenous Research Data Commons (HASS and Indigenous RDC).

Read more here

Clinical Trial Data Unlocked for Research with New National Platform

For the first time in Australia, researchers can find clinical trial data from multiple research institutions and request access to it via a new platform, Health Data Australia

Read more here


Unlocking Australia’s Restricted Access Species Data

In a first-of-its-kind collaborative project supported by the ARDC, a nationally consistent approach to restricted access species data has been developed to increase the discoverability, access and sharing of restricted access species data.

Read more here

Global Knowledge Inequality Threatens Ecosystems Across the Global South

An ARDC-supported database more than doubled the completeness of plant trait data for Australia.

Read more here

Building Trusted and Reliable Environmental Data and Information Supply Chains in Australia

Read the wrap up on a workshop we ran to discuss building a trusted and reliable supply chain for environmental data and information in Australia.

Read more here




ANU Press and open access


Report from Equity in Open Access workshop #4 – Part 1: money flows & trust signals in ‘OA for all’

OASPA’s fourth Equity in OA workshop was one where participants focussed on two broad topics: perceptions in (OA) publishing and finding pathways to sustainable and inclusive OA publishing without the need for any researcher-facing charges. Read more online here.


Leadership and Accountability Matter for a Sustainable Publishing Ecosystem

Haseeb Irfanullah explores this issue in a blogpost. He concludes While the world will be taking stock of the SDG progress in September, what are scholarly publishers and their associations going to do? Will some of us come together and issue a joint statement as we did ahead of the climate change conference (COP26) in 2021? Or will we go beyond that? Who is going to take lead, and facilitate accountability across the publishing ecosystem?


Recommended Practice for operationalizing open access (OA) business processes

Voting members of the National Information Standards Organization (NISO) have approved the formation of a Working Group to develop a Recommended Practice for operationalizing open access (OA) business processes. NISO is seeking members from across the information community to join the Working Group, which will address the lack of infrastructure supporting OA content by helping stakeholders in scholarly communications to track, assess, and report on OA publications, authors, and funding more easily.


Report and Toolkit on Open Science Services within Research Libraries

LIBER and ADBU (Association des directeurs et personnels de direction des bibliothèques universitaires et de la documentation) have released a joint report on FAIR Research Data Management (RDM) and Open Access (OA) support services within libraries.

The report is the result of a study examining libraries with developed RDM and OA services, to understand the stages involved in their creation and the key competencies that are required. The study is part of an ongoing collaboration between LIBER and ADBU to improve Open Science services across Europe.



New titles


Dilemmas in Public Management in Greater China and Australia

Dilemmas in Public Management in Greater China and Australia




Open repository


Open Access Week 2023

“Community over Commercialization” is the theme for this year’s International Open Access Week (October 23-29): The website is up now.


Realities of Academic Data Sharing (RADS) Initiative: Research Update #3

ARL has announced a new update. The Realities of Academic Data Sharing (RADS) Initiative, funded by the US National Science Foundation, is an exploratory study examining the costs, activities, services, and technical infrastructure to support data sharing of federally funded research at six academic institutions. In order to determine what activities are actually supported and the costs incurred, RADS has undertaken two research streams as part of the initiative: one involving funded researchers and one involving campus administrators. This update concerns the second RADS research stream, and highlights the data-sharing activities reported by campus administrators at the six participating RADS institutions: Cornell University, Duke University, University of Michigan, University of Minnesota, Virginia Tech, and Washington University in St. Louis.


New research resources

Bone loss markers in the earliest Pacific Islanders

Observational Filmmaking: A Unique Practice

Seven types of collaboration

Ancient and recent phenotypic variation in Oceania: 3 millennia of migrations in Southern Melanesia documented by linear morphometry

Characteristics and in-hospital outcomes of patients requiring aeromedical retrieval for pregnancy, compared to non-retrieved metropolitan cohorts



Keeping up to date


Generative AI for library and information professionals (draft)

The IFLA AI Special Interest Group has compiled this resource to seek to provide a useful non-technical resource for information library and information professionals. They seek to point to authoritative sources which are open to all.

Recommended Formats Statement

Library of Congress has announced the 10th edition of its Recommended Formats Statement (RFS). The RFS supports a structured methodology to assess the viability of digital formats within both a global and institutional context. These efforts are part of the Library’s strategy to collect and engage fully with the breadth of digital creative works. Notable changes have been made to Software and Video Games and Web Archives, as well as some changes in file formats included for Still Image Works and Design and 3D.


Creating a Better World! How Librarians are Tackling SDGs

The recording of the webinar held by De Gruyter is now online. Speakers were Keynote Speaker: Barbara Lison, who is President of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) and has been the Director of Bremen Public Library since 1992. Barbara Lison was joined by two panellists, Tuba Akbayturk, Library Director at Koç University and head of 5 Turkish libraries and Martin O’Driscoll, Learning Spaces Co-Ordinator and Chair of the Sustainability Committee, University College, Cork. This is the second in the De Gruyter webinar series 2023: "Challenging the Status Quo: Taking Libraries into the Future". In this new De Gruyter Webinar Series, we invite library & information professionals, researchers, and industry experts to share their insights and wisdom into latest development, emerging trends and best practices in libraries and publishing services.


Involvement of information specialists and statisticians in systematic reviews

Published online by Cambridge University Press, this article  begins “The complexity of conducting SRs has greatly increased due to a massive rise in the amount of available evidence and the number and complexity of SR methods, largely statistical and information retrieval methods. Additional challenges exist in the actual conduct of an SR, such as judging how complex the research question could become and what hurdles could arise during the course of the project.” It concludes “SRs are becoming more and more complex to conduct and information specialists and statisticians should routinely be involved right from the start of the SR. This increases the trustworthiness of SRs as the basis for reliable, unbiased and reproducible health policy”.


Generative AI and large language models: background and contexts

Lorcan Dempsey offers some great insights - The promise and challenge of Generative AI is now central. This is a summary overview of some of the major directions and issues, acknowledging that things are moving very quickly. It is intended as background to later posts about library implications and developments.


Implementing a Personal Librarian Program to Rebuild Connections with Medical Students

Terry A. Henner analyses a project by the Savitt Medical Library of the University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine to implement a Personal Librarian Program that promoted communication between librarians and learners.


Adequacy decision for the EU-US Data Privacy Framework

The European Commission has assessed the ERU –U.S. data privacy framework with care and insight. They being their conclusion stating “The Commission considers that the United States – through the Principles issued by the U.S. DoC – ensures a level of protection for personal data transferred from the Union to certified organisations in the United States under the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework that is essentially equivalent to the one guaranteed by Regulation (EU) 2016/679.” A very useful document.


The future of shared infrastructure for scholarly communication: request for feedback on draft report

Ithaka S+R have released this report and are seeking feedback. The look at the interactions and interests of publishers and libraries. This year, Ithaka S+R has been at work on a project to examine the shared infrastructure for scholarly communication and ultimately make recommendations for its future. Well worth reading.



The US Federal Trade Commission has launched an investigation into whether ChatGPT has harmed people by publishing false information about them. The regulator has asked ChatGPT maker OpenAI to provide details of all complaints the company has received from users regarding false or misleading statements made by the generative AI software.


A green new deal for archives

This publication tackles the pressing challenges faced by archives globally, including the immediate and long-term risks associated with climate change and inadequate staffing.


ALIA Blog: digital inclusion

Cathie Warburton, ALIA CEO, writes in her blogpost on the potential of public and school libraries to improve the Australian Digital Inclusion Index 2023 was.


Retraction watch Australia

Retractions Australia is an online resource dedicated to highlighting data regarding scientific retractions - the removal of published research papers from scientific journals.

This is presented via the Retractions Australia Explorer, which is an interactive tool that allows you to visualise and investigate retracted papers from Australian and New Zealander researchers and collaborators. See the site here.

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