From the University Librarian

30 June 2023

ANU Alumni awards – nominations are open.



Yumma Darruwa Ngunnawal


Welcome from Ngunnawal and Ngambri country.


The Ngambri website contains a wealth of information – the about page commences:


Who Were the Ngambri Ancestors?

Our Ngambri ancestors were the custodians of the country south-west of Weereewaa (Lake George), which includes the modern Australian Capital Territory. The name of the capital, Canberra, derives from that of our ancestral group.


The population of the combined Ngambri and their neighbouring kin group, the Ngurmal, was reduced from 1000 or more to about 50 only 40 years or so after the first white invasions and also as a result of invasions from neighbouring Ngambri enemies.


The Ngambri leader at the time of the first white invasions was Onyong. The Ngambri combined with the remaining Ngurmal and their leader, Noolup, from the 1830s.


Onyong died in 1852 and is buried on a hill that bears his name in the Tharwa region. Noolup died in a cave at Booroomba Rocks in 1860.



You will have read that the ACT government is considering its Indigenous protocol to recognise its recognition of the Ngambri people.




COVID inspections are no longer required. If you see supplies are running low of hand sanitiser or masks do let the relevant people know in your building.


Please read all the messages from the university about COVID 19.


All COVID updates will be communicated to staff and students via the weekly On Campus email newsletter. You can find previous staff On Campus and student On Campus editions here.




Library Staff Consultative Committee

Reminder there is a vacancy in the membership for a staff member in the levels ANU1-4.



Staff meeting

Thanks to everyone who attended the Division staff meeting last week. The presentations are now online.


Our presenters Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education & Digital) Maryanne Dever and Dr James Brann, Director, University Experience described a great range of strategic directions and initiatives occurring in their portfolios.



Academic Board

The Board agenda and discussions focused on many important issues including:

·       Academic Board Charter – Proposed Revisions (to include Vice President First Nations Portfolio)

·       TEQSA Re-registration Update

·       Academic Risk Monitoring Report

·       Implementation of Working Party and Review

·       ANU Foreign Interference Framework

·       Privacy Act Review Report

·       TLDC Charter Review

·       English and Maths Requirement – Update on planning for review of Admissions Requirements

·       Administration of International Students under the Age of 18 Years.



SIS Work plan – symposium and increasing knowledge of the university

Work has commenced on the SIS Symposium:


DRAFT THEME: Knowing ourselves in a world of inspiring academic work



SIS area talks (SIS Comms, Digital Scholarship, ANU Press, Archives/Records/Information governance, Library – students training, CAD, reference and spaces, ARDC)


Academics suggestions so far:

Associate Professor Keturah Whitford, CBE

Cameron Roles, ANU College of Law

Dr Rosalie Aroni, Medical School,

Professor Rosalind Smith, ANU College of Arts & Social Sciences


The program of talks will assist us to understand more about how the university operates, as well as strategic initiatives that are underway. The draft program is below. If you have any suggestions do contact me.


SIS Staff meetings


Knowing the University


  • Q1- WHS and Dean Academic Quality
  • Q2 – Student experiences/James Brann, Education initiatives and plan Prof Maryanne Dever
  • Q3 How does ANU make decisions and govern itself? CGRO, ANU policies (Megan)
  • Q4Digital Master Plan & ITS, Wellness and HR



  • Q1 – Finance and F&S
  • Q2 – career development support HRD, ANU Research Plan


The next SIS Staff meeting is Thursday 21 September.



SIS Business plan

A reminder that our purpose is:

From: focus on systems and innovation to support the online university

To: strategic holistic planning for future scholarly knowledge services

The SIS 2023 business plan remains available here. The mid year report against the plan will occur in mid June – don’t forget to get tor statistics in next week.

SIS Plan on a page 2023




The SIS Local plan remains available here. It’s almost time for quarterly reporting for Q2. Thank you to Margaret for the awesome work she does on reporting – all while remaining calm and cheery!


The SIS work health and safety pages on the Intranet are here. If you have any suggestions for updating pages, please contact Christian West.


Christian is reviewing the applications for additional OSLO positions.



Colin Steele donation

Sincere thanks to Colin for the donation of books. They are particularly valuable for those studying contemporary issues.


Colin Steele, former University Librarian and Convenor of the ANU ‘Meet the Author’ events, has donated around 150 signed books with associated correspondence from the MTA series to add to the existing signed collection housed in Menzies rare books. Authors include Oliver Sacks, David Suzuki, Russ Garnaut, Barry Humphries, Helen Garner, David Malouf, Tim Winton, Jan Morris, Barry Jones, Richard Fidler, Betty Churcher, Hugh Mackay, Michael Kirby, Gillian Triggs and Leigh Sales and Annabelle Crabb. ANU signed books and related correspondence include Nobel Prize winners Vice Chancellor Brian Schmidt and Professor Peter Doherty and books and a correspondence file on Professor Derek Freeman.




The CAUL newsletter is published monthly. You can find instructions on subscribing here.




·       a high-level summary of the outcomes of the Second Roundtable has now been published on the Attorney-General’s Department website at: Ministerial Roundtable on Copyright | Attorney-General's Department ( together with discussion papers prepared for the roundtable:

       Issue Summary Paper on Orphan Works [PDF 248.87 KB]

       Issue Summary Paper on Orphan Works [DOCX 100.13 KB]

       Issue Summary Paper on Remote Learning [PDF 248.27 KB]

       Issue Summary Paper on Remote Learning [DOCX 91.22 KB]

       Issue Summary Paper on Quotation [PDF 333.38 KB]

       Issue Summary Paper on Quotation [DOCX 108.44 KB]

·       Not quite the end of humanity: The Australian Government commences consultation on the appropriate governance framework for AI Quay Law partners suggest that the big omission from the Government’s discussion paper, “Safe and responsible AI in Australia”, is copyright.

·       The recordings of the US Copyright Office Spring 2023 AI Listening Sessions are online.

·       Music publishers sue Twitter for $250m citing Elon Musk’s copyright stance…Sony Music Group and Universal are among 17 publishers pursuing legal challenge against company.



Blue Shield Australia – thank you to Kathryn for an outstanding contribution

Kathryn Dan has very successfully Chaired the Blue Shield Australia Committee for the past 2 years – from 2021 to 2023. The Blue Shield is a network of committees of dedicated individuals across the world that is “committed to the protection of the world’s cultural property, and is concerned with the protection of cultural and natural heritage, tangible and intangible, in the event of armed conflict, natural- or human-made disaster”. The name Blue Shield comes from the UNESCO 1954 Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict, which specifies a blue shield as the symbol for marking protected cultural property. Kathryn has served on the committee since 2016 representing the Australian Society of Archivists and more recently the Australian Library and Information Association.


The Committee has highlighted the great contribution that she has made to BSA over so many years. Committee members have commented on Kathryn's calm and consistent leadership through the COVID years, and her flexibility through many changes of committee members.  Her time and patience negotiating the handover recently to the Museums sector to Chair has also been greatly appreciated.


Congratulations Kathryn on making such an outstanding contribution.





Records training

A reminder that the new records training module is now live for staff enrolment. You can participate online or face to face.



Tuesday 11 July 2pm - McDonald Room, Menzies Library

Friday 4 August 11.30am - Online

Tuesday 12 September 2pm - McDonald Room, Menzies Library


This session introduces ANU staff to the University’s data governance, principles of good records management, Freedom of Information (FOI), and privacy.


Attendees will gain an understanding how these principles are relevant to their work, and be introduced to the University’s central repository for information –the Electronic Records Management System (ERMS).


Who should attend: professional staff.


This training session will cover:

  • principles for data management and privacy
  • the importance of record keeping
  • principles of FOI and understanding your responsibilities under the Freedom of Information Act
  • understanding your responsibilities in record keeping and managing data
  • the University’s record keeping systems, including ERMS
  • information on where to obtain further information and advice.




GIS training

CartoGIS Services is a team of cartographic and geographic information system specialists working at ANU. They offer a range of training sessions on the creation, analysis, management and promotion of maps and spatial data!


·       Introduction to ArcGIS Pro (Self-paced online course)

·       Introduction to Story Maps (August 10, 17, 24 and 31)

·       Introduction to GIS Analysis for Research (September 28, and October 5, 12 and 19)


Training is free for ANU staff, HDR, and Postgraduate students.


For more information, visit the CartoGIS training webpage




Barnard collection

Dr Noel Barnard (PhD ’57), was a world authority in the field of early Chinese history and archaeology. We are very grateful to the family for the donation of his collection which tells a rich story of research resources vital for an eminent scholar. Thank you to Jacky and the team for working on the donation and accepting the more than 140 boxes.



From Belinda Carriage





The library has today launched the Chemistry Subject Guide at


This provides a streamlined single access point to a lot of useful information and resources of specific interest to chemists. Cathy Burton and the library team have put this together by themselves, which is very much appreciated. I am sure they would welcome any feedback.


From the Research School of Chemistry



Roxanne Missingham

Director, Scholarly Information Services




Coming events

ALIA New Librarians symposium

When? Saturday, 29 July 2023

Where? Online

More details.  The ALIA NLSX theme is “eXchange, eXplore, eXpand'. Click here for more information.





Partnering for Success

The Australian Research Data Commons’ new impact booklet, Partnering for Success is out now!

ARDC is committed to delivering enduring digital research infrastructure that will support researchers to tackle the grand challenges facing our society. Through collaborations and partnerships — national and international — they are ensuring that valuable data and software assets are developed, made accessible and sustained for everyone.

From unlocking the potential of clinical trial data, to guiding Australia’s bushfire recovery, ARDC’s digital research infrastructure is being used by tens of thousands of researchers in Australia each year.



ANU Press and open access

Cambridge Open Equity Initiative

The website states:

In 2022, 50% of our total research articles were published open access. We continue to work towards the majority of research published in our journals being open access by 2025.


There are many advantages for the author and their research when publishing open access; more citations, more downloads, and increased reach. We recognise that not all authors have the same opportunities to realise these advantages due of a lack of funding for their work.


The Cambridge Open Equity Initiative is a new pilot designed to support authors in low- and middle-income countries who wish to publish their research open access but do not have access to funding.



Open Access Journals Toolkit

OASPA and DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals) have released a new Open Access Journals Toolkit. The Toolkit answers a need for an online resource to support new and established open access journals in navigating the rapidly changing landscape of open access publishing. The Open Access Journals Toolkit design process began in November 2022 and ended in June 2023 with this launch.

From Germany

On 6 June 2023, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder in the Federal Republic of Germany (KMK)  published Open Access in Germany – Joint Guidelines of the Federal Government and the Länder. It is consistent with recommendations of the German Council of Science and Humanities, that open access should become the standard for publicly funded research. The cooperation aims to complete the open access transition within the next few years.


From Sweden

Recordings of the Swedish Presidency of the Council of the European Union and the European Commission hosted Digital Assembly on the theme of a digital, open and secure Europe held on 15–16 June are now available online.




New titles

East Asia Forum Quarterly: Volume 15, Number 2, 2023





Open repository

Open Access Week 2023

“Community over Commercialization” is the theme for this year’s International Open Access Week (October 23-29): The website is up now.




FAIR Vocabularies in Population Research

On 12 June 2023, IUSSP and CODATA, sponsored a webinar on the publication of FAIR Vocabularies in Population Research. This new report explains the benefits of making data “Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable”. Recordings are online.




New research resources

·       Lawfare, liberal standing rules and environmental citizen suits: A reply to the attorney-general

·       Climate change and national laws acrossCommonwealth countries

·       Human Rights and Structural Inequality in the Shadow of COVID-19—A New Chapter in the Culture Wars?

·       Clinical care of children and adolescents with COVID-19: recommendations from the National COVID-19 Clinical Evidence Taskforce

·       China's maritime security strategy under Xi Jinping: unpuzzling the assertiveness




Keeping up to date

Legislative developments – Public Interest Disclosure Amendment (Review) Bill 2022

The Bill to amend the PID Act passed the Parliament last Thursday. The reforms to the PID Act are now on track to commence on 1 July.



Medieval Hackers?: Scribes, Copiers, and the Free Flow of Information in the Middle Ages

Dr Kathleen E. Kennedy explores copying as cultural practice. She has some interesting insights – starting from an “The people involved in translating both the Bible and the parliamentary statutes in late medieval England used the very terms of openness and access that hackers use today: they stress commonness, openness, and freedom.



Taking the biscuit: defining excessive quantities of free refreshments in a healthcare library

I recommend you read this – published in BMJ no less. “Evidence suggests that complementary hot drinks and biscuits benefit an overworked and highly stressed healthcare workforce. But when signage in healthcare libraries asks patrons not to consume “excessive” quantities of free hot drinks and biscuits, how much is too much? Tabner and colleagues explore this resource allocation conundrum”.


Directions in Digital Scholarship: Support for Digital, Data-Intensive, and Computational Research in Academic Libraries

CNI is hosting an initiative in 2023 that examines the evolution, current state, and future of digital scholarship (DS) programs in libraries of CNI member institutions. DS programs encompass a broad range of initiatives, including support for research services that are data-intensive and computational in methodology. Drawing on interviews, profiles of 47 university library initiatives, and two online forums, the report examines trends in consultations, instructional activities, constituencies served, DEI, partnerships, facilities, external funding, and staffing related to a wide array of DS activities. Aspects of the relationship of DS programs to institutional priorities, organizational structure, sustainability, and next steps are analysed. Material on the website includes:

·       Spring 2023 Membership Meeting Briefing

·       Webinars

·       Report


RBM: A Journal of Rare Books, Manuscripts, and Cultural Heritage

The latest issue, Vol 24, No 1 (2023) Spring is now online. Articles include:

·       ‘Shelving Special Collections Materials by Size’ by John Henry Adams

·       ‘Manuscripts in the Flesh: Collections-Based Learning with Medieval Manuscripts at the University of Victoria’ by Shailoo Bedi, Heather Dean, and Adrienne Williams Boyarin

·       ‘Placing Papers Update: The Black and Latino Experience in the Literary Archive Market’ by Amy Hildreth Chen



CRL: College & research libraries news

The latest issue, Vol 84, No 6 (2023) now online. Articles include:

·       ‘ChatGPT conundrums: Probing plagiarism and parroting problems in higher education practices’ by Zoë (Abbie) Teel, Ting Wang, and Brady Lund

·       ‘Engaging with campus and community: Insights from a traveling exhibition’ by Tara Murray Grove, Clara Drummond, J. Adam Clemons, and Autumn Johnson


Journal of the Australian Library and Information Association

The latest issue, Vol 72, Iss 2 (2023) now online. Articles include:

·       ‘Recognising the Gaps: A Study on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment and Representation in Australian Libraries’ by Kirsten Thorpe

·       ‘Users' Experiences in a Regional Academic Library Makerspace’ by Emilia C. Bell, Stephanie Piper and Carmel O'Sullivan

·       ‘From Data to Insights: Developing a Tool to Enhance Our Decision Making Using Reflexive Thematic Analysis and Qualitative Evidence’ by Rebecca Muir

·       ‘Print Books and Ebooks: The New Equilibrium in an Academic Library’ by David Wells & Anita Sallenbach

·       ‘Making the Importance of Libraries and Librarians Visible: An International Online Library Skills Initiative in Response to COVID’ by Sau Ching Helen Cheung, Mary Carroll and Yoko Hirose Nagao.


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