From the University Librarian

16 June 2023



New storage solution – thanks to all who have assisted in obtaining a lease for a space in Symonston


Yumma Darruwa Ngunnawal


Welcome from Ngunnawal country.


The First Nations Portfolio website holds a wealth of resources. Established in 2020, the FNP is a branch of the University’s Executive Group, reporting directly to the Vice Chancellor (University President and Chief Executive Officer). The FNP has been established to secure a whole-of-university approach to First Nations issues through mobilisation of the intellectual resources from its Colleges, Schools, Departments, and Institutes.



COVID inspections are no longer required. If you see supplies are running low of hand sanitiser or masks do let the relevant people know in your building.


Please read all the messages from the university about COVID 19.


All COVID updates will be communicated to staff and students via the weekly On Campus email newsletter. You can find previous staff On Campus and student On Campus editions here.


Library Staff Consultative Committee

Reminder there is a vacancy in the membership for a staff member in the levels ANU1-4.



We have been informed of an important development regarding the services offered by ANUSA (Australian National University Students' Association) at the ANU. Starting from July 1, 2023, ANUSA will be extending services to encompass all postgraduate students, including HDR candidates. This expansion signifies a significant milestone, as they will become the sole student union catering to the needs of both undergraduate and postgraduate students.

PARSA winds up at the end of the month.


This transition has been approved by Professor Grady Venville (Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic) and ANU Council.


ANUSA will be offered two positions on the Library Advisory Committee – one continuing representation of undergraduate students and one representing postgraduate students replacing the PARSA position. The voices of students are extremely important to the division for all our services.


University Research Committee

The URC agenda and discussions focused on many important issues including:

·       Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Research

·       Pure Portal and Publication Module Implementation

·       Centres and Institutes Policy and Procedure 

·       HDR Examination and Submission of Theses Procedure

·       Deputy Vice-Chancellor (R&I) Report – including progress on consultation on the ANU Research Priorities 2024 – 2029

·       Privacy Act Review Report.




The SIS EPC met and is carefully looking at the terms of reference to establish a workplan.

Thanks to everyone for ensuring your training is up to date relevant to your WHS roles.



Multifactor authentication for students

From 20 June to 31 July 2023, ANU will be adding multi-factor authentication (MFA) protection to all student accounts. This will be applied progressively, and students will receive an email letting them know when their account is being switched over, after which they will have 14 days to get set up. Over 2,500 students were migrated earlier this year.

We hope things will go smoothly – noting there may be authentication uses, There is a guide online which has been promoted to students – not that students have full access to the guide.




·       Angus and Arthur gave a detailed presentation on CAUL’s read and publish agreements at the Springer Nature ANZ Librarians meeting.




·       The Ministerial Roundtable on Copyright – Second Meeting was held last week with sessions on:

o   Orphan Works

o   Remote Learning

o   Quotation

o   Wrap Up and Next Steps

22 organisations were represented at the roundtable

·       How to Distinguish Transformative Fair Uses From Infringing Derivative Works? Pamela Samuelson (Berkeley Law School) unpacks the issues from the case that found Andy Warhol’s series of prints and drawings of Prince were not transformative fair uses of Lynn Goldsmith’s photograph.



International Archives Week 2023

To celebrate International Archives Week 2023 Liverpool University Press presents a selection of free to read articles from our archiving journals, including the latest issue of Comma (2021,1) (Editors-in-chief Frans Smit and Bethany Anderson) which has been made free to read throughout June to celebrate the 75th Anniversary of the ICA.


This year, it will be the fifth International Archives Week (#IAW2023) and it will be special, since 2023 marks the International Council on Archives’ 75th anniversary. That is why from Monday 5th to Friday 9th June 2023, we will celebrate #75YearsICA of dedicated work to promote the importance of records and archives, and the profession.  


The planned activities for this week aim to bring different voices to reflect on the ICA’s history, to open and ignite discussions on its future and vision, and celebrate with a spirit of cooperation the achievements and contributions of those who have helped to create the diverse international professional network that is the ICA. 


Sanskrit resources in the Menzies Library

From Jacky Clements:

Prof. McComas Taylor bought some of his students in to view some of the wonderful Sanskrit resources we have here in Menzies.

Wan retrieved a copy of the Sanskrit Lotus sutra manscript from the British Library from our Rare Books collection, as well as two Sinhalese palm-leaf manuscripts.

McComas, Molly, Julian and Lotus were delighted. Comments and photos below from Wan

I spoke with Lotus afterwards and she was so grateful, and amazed at what the library has to view.

Just an another example of the wonders that are within our collection.






Records training

A reminder that the new records training module is now live for staff enrolment. You can participate online or face to face.



Tuesday 11 July 2pm    McDonald Room. R.G. Menzies Library

Friday 4 August 11.30am    Online

Tuesday 12 September 2pm      McDonald Room. R.G. Menzies Library


This session introduces ANU staff to the University’s data governance, principles of good records management, Freedom of Information (FOI), and privacy.

Attendees will gain an understanding how these principles are relevant to their work, and be introduced to the University’s central repository for information – the Electronic Records Management System (ERMS).


Who should attend: professional staff.


This training session will cover:

  • principles for data management and privacy
  • the importance of record keeping
  • principles of FOI and understanding your responsibilities under the Freedom of Information Act
  • understanding your responsibilities in record keeping and managing data
  • the University’s record keeping systems, including ERMS
  • information on where to obtain further information and advice.


From Belinda Carriage








Roxanne Missingham

Director, Scholarly Information Services



Coming events


ALIA New Librarians symposium

When? Saturday, 29 July 2023

Where?  Online

More details.  The ALIA NLSX theme is “eXchange, eXplore, eXpand'. Click here for more information.



From HR


Dear all,

The Carers' Career Development Assistance Fund (CCDAF) Round 2, 2023 is currently open, with closing date Friday 9 June 2023.

Please let your areas and colleagues know that applications are currently open.

The CCDAF is for individual academic and professional staff with caring responsibilities who require support to participate in significant national or international conferences, workshops or symposia that contribute to their careers.

Grants of up to $2,000 are available for reasonable costs relating to care of dependants where existing care arrangements are not available.

Types of costs covered may include:

  • child care costs
  • care costs for dependants other than children
  • airfares for the dependant to accompany the staff member

Further information and how to apply is available on the website.

Direct any queries about this grant opportunity to

Kind regards



Kate Witenden

Chief People Officer

Human Resources Division | Chancelry Building 10A

The Australian National University | Canberra ACT 2601





Survey on Australian Coastal Research Infrastructure

survey is underway to collect input on the design of a proposed coastal research infrastructure for Australia.

Proposed by a consortium of facilities under the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS), the new infrastructure will deliver nationally coordinated capabilities in sustained observation, modelling and prediction of Australia’s coast. Specifically, it will enable:

  • observation of coastal processes 
  • modelling and prediction across coast-related disciplines
  • data identification, management and integration.

The consortium is seeking input on its scale, scope and priorities. Share your thoughts by completing a survey, which will only take 5 to 10 minutes. The survey closes on 16 June 2023.

Read more here.




ANU Press and open access


Book Analytics Dashboard (BAD)

The BAD project formally kicked off in April 2022. The project is being led by a truly international team located in Australia, the US and Europe. The PI team comprises Lucy Montgomery and Cameron Neylon (Curtin University, Australia); Niels Stern and Ronald Snijder (OAPEN Foundation, the Netherlands); and Katherine Skinner (formerly Educopia Institute, now Research Lead at IOI, based in the United States). 

Technical work is being led by Kathryn Napier, who is located at Curtin University in Perth, Western Australia. Kathryn and Senior Data Scientist Rebecca Handcock (Curtin University) were involved in the Mellon-funded predecessor to the BAD project: the OAeBU project. A Draft Technical Roadmap was made available for community comment and feedback in June-July 2022. The Draft Technical Roadmap had two goals:

1. To ensure that technical systems and plans are visible to stakeholders; and

2. Creating a practical mechanism for involving those stakeholders in a conversation about where technical efforts and resources should be focussed. 

The original BAD project plan placed focussed heavily on standardising technical workflows developed during the previous OAeBU project, in order to support the scaling of a dashboard service. The series of 6 focus group consultations captured insights from more than 20 diverse organisations involved in the publication of OA books. A summary of focus group findings can be found in this blog post.

Visit the BAD project website.


Open Access in Germany: Joint Guidelines of the Federal Government and the Länder

The guidelines state:

The declared aim of the Federal Government and the Länder is to promote the diversity and durability of Open Access. The Federal Government and the Länder share the view of the German Science and Humanities Council that the Open Access transformation of academic publishing is to be achieved within the next few years, and the open publication of publicly funded research results is to become standard practice.




The UKRI has released further information to support preparations in the lead up to 1st January 2024 when its new open access policy will apply to monographs, book chapters and edited collections. This includes:

·       guidance for researchers about our long-form open access requirements

·       updated UKRI open access policy, including new guidance on using long-form policy exemptions

·       information about UKRI’s dedicated long-form open access fund and other open access implementation updates

·       updated guidance on accessing long-form open access funding before 2024

·       updates to frequently asked questions about the policy, including the use of UKRI open access funding for transformative journals.



Open repository


Open Access Week 2023

“Community over Commercialization” is the theme for this year’s International Open Access Week (October 23-29): The website is up now.


IFLA Trends and Issues in Library Technology

Includes articles on:

·       Research Data Repositories for Open Science: Metadata Schema Analysis Juan Miguel Palma Pena, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico

·       From Research and Datasets to Open Science and AI Ray Uzwyshyn, Mississippi State University, US




Since January 2022, 192 articles published with MDPI – ANU is a formal participant which gives a discount to ANU staff.



New research resources

·       A mathematical model of ion homeostasis in the malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum

·       Radiative Neutron Capture Cross-Section Measurement of Ge Isotopes at n_TOF CERN Facility and Its Importance for Stellar Nucleosynthesis

·       Rapid generation of metastable helium Bose-Einstein condensates

·       Climatically Modulated Dust Inputs from New Zealand to the Southwest Pacific Sector of the Southern Ocean Over the Last 410 kyr

·       Bulk Crystalline 4H -Silicon through a Metastable Allotropic Transition



Keeping up to date


A Taxonomy of Trustworthiness for Artificial Intelligence: Connecting Properties of Trustworthiness with Risk Management and the AI Lifecycle

The UC Berkeley Centre for Long-Term Cybersecurity (CLTC) has published A Taxonomy of Trustworthiness for Artificial Intelligence: Connecting Properties of Trustworthiness with Risk Management and the AI Lifecycle, which aims to help organisations develop and deploy more trustworthy artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. The taxonomy introduced in this paper includes 150 properties of trustworthiness for AI. Each property builds upon a relevant “characteristic of trustworthiness” as defined by NIST in the AI RMF. NIST’s characteristics of trustworthiness include: valid and reliable, safe, secure and resilient, accountable and transparent, explainable and interpretable, privacy-enhanced, and fair with harmful bias managed. The taxonomy of trustworthiness is organized by the seven stages of the AI lifecycle depicted in the NIST AI RMF.


Artificial Intelligence regulation horizon scanning: key events to look forward to in the UK, EU and US

Good report to provide a context for international developments. The flowchart on Navigating UK AI regulations is also very useful.


Free text analysis courses from Constellate’s TAP Institute

The ability to read and understand text-based data is essential to future success in academia and employment, so ITHAKA launched the Text Analysis Pedagogy (TAP) Institute to help instructors and librarians learn and teach text analysis. From July 10 to August 11, Constellate—in partnership with the Academic Data Science Alliance and the Association of College and Research Libraries—is offering free events and classes for anyone interested in teaching text analysis. To register click here.


College & Research Libraries News

The June 2023 issue of College & Research Libraries News (C&RL News) is now freely available online both as a full issue PDF and as individual articles. Articles include:

·       My new favorite research partner is an AI: What roles can librarians play in the future? Leo S. Lo

·       ChatGPT conundrums: Probing plagiarism and parroting problems in higher education practices Zoë (Abbie) Teel, Ting Wang, Brady Lund


IFLA Asia and Oceania Regional Newsletter (June 2023)

Stories include:

·       Mapping Collection of Southeast Asian Maritime World at National Library of Indonesia

·       The Library Collection Analytics Dashboard: Optimising Technologies, Strengthening Evidence-Based Decisions

·       “AI in Focus: Artificial Intelligence and Libraries” Conference

Read the newsletter here.



What Can I Do with This? Indicators of Usage Rights in the User Interface

Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe, TSK Chef, and Annika Deutsch, an MS/LIS candidate at the iSchool at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Annika works at Grainger Engineering Library Information Center, which supports research for the College of Engineering in this article find: “Our investigation found that the location and format of usage rights language differed across platforms and between full-text article formats on the same platforms. We also found that usage rights are not shown in search results or offered as limiters or filters and there is inconsistent use of CC badges/icons. HTML layouts differed the most across platforms, making it particularly challenging to find usage rights information.”


IFLA Journal

The latest issue, IFLA Journal: Volume 49, No. 2 (June 2023) is available here. Articles include:

·       ‘‘Libraries model sustainability’’: The results of an OCLC survey on library contributions to the Sustainable Development Goals Lynn Silipigni Connaway, Brooke Doyle, Christopher Cyr, Peggy Gallagher and Joanne Cantrell

·       The legitimacy of Scandinavian libraries, archives and museums as public spheres: Views from the professionals Håkon Larsen, Nanna Kann-Rasmussen and Kerstin Rydbeck

·       How do Asian international students use Australian university libraries? A literature review Clare P. O’Dwyer

·       Developing research data management services in a regional comprehensive university: The case of Central Washington University
Ping Fu, Maurice Blackson and Maura Valentino


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