From the University Librarian

2 June 2023

We acknowledge the Traditional Owners and Elders past and present of all the lands on which The Australian National University operates


Yumma Darruwa Ngunnawal


Welcome from Ngunnawal country.


Dhawra nguna dhawra Ngunnawal

This land is Ngunnawal Country. 


Reconciliation week has been a very important time at the University. I hope you were able to enjoy some of the events. The web page is a great gateway to information and resources.




COVID inspections are no longer required. If you see supplies are running low of hand sanitiser or masks do let the relevant people know in your building.


Please read all the messages from the University about COVID 19.


All COVID updates will be communicated to staff and students via the weekly On Campus email newsletter. You can find previous staff On Campus and student On Campus editions here.



Library Staff Consultative Committee

Reminder there is a vacancy in the membership for a staff member in the levels ANU1-4.




The new Libguide on the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander voice to Parliament is out. Thanks to Tom for leading this project and to the many who contributed.  We will be archiving websites to assist ensuring a corpus of material is permanently available for students and academics.




The SIS EPC plans to meet next week.

Thanks to everyone for ensuring your training is up to date relevant to your WHS roles.


Academic Quality Assessment Committee

The Committee considered many substantial matters including:

·       Implementation of Working Party and Review Recommendations – great work by many has resulted in completion of the actions

·       Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) Update

·       List of Professional and Short Courses Offered in 2022

·       Admissions and Scholarship Incidents Annual Report 2022

·       Administration of International Students under the Age of 18 Years

·       ANU Medals Committee Annual Report 2022

·       University Scholarships Committee Annual Report 2022



CAUL’s AGM was held on Thursday 25 May and was attended by CAUL Full and Associate Members or their proxies, the CAUL Board and National Office staff and CAUL’s Public Officer, Trish Hepworth, Director, Policy and Education, ALIA. Jane Angel, Executive Director, CAUL, provided an overview of CAUL’s activities in 2022 which included achievements of which there were many – well done CAUL!





·       Supreme Court Rules against Warhol Foundation in Copyright Fight over Prince Images  (US) (NBC: National Broadcasting Company)

·       Australian Standards: The National Copyright Director, TAFE Copyright Advisory Group, Chief Executive Officer, TAFE Directors Australia, Chief Executive, Universities Australia, Council of Australian University Librarians and Chief Executive Officer, Australian Library and Information Association have written to The Hon Ed Husic MP, Minister for Industry and Science calling for the Government take action to ensure fair and reasonable student access to Australian standards.

·       The second and third Ministerial Roundtables on Copyright are occurring next week – I’ll be there representing CAUL.

·       (well copyrightish) The Federal Government has started a consultation on ways it can mitigate the risks of AI and implement safe and responsible AI governance practices. The consultation builds on the recently released Rapid Research Report on Generative AI, from the Office of the Chief Scientist.


Cathy Burton joins an exclusive group

On her recent holiday Cathy joined the British Library:


New records training module

Brilliant work by the records team led by Megan Easton!


A new records training module is now live for staff enrolment. You can participate online or face to face.



Friday 16 June 11.30am  (Online)

Tuesday 11 July 2pm (McDonald Room, Menzies)

Friday 4 August 11.30am  (Online)

Tuesday 12 September 2pm (McDonald Room, Menzies)


This session introduces ANU staff to the University’s data governance, principles of good records management, Freedom of Information (FOI), and privacy.


Attendees will gain an understanding how these principles are relevant to their work, and be introduced to the University’s central repository for information – the - the Electronic Records Management System (ERMS).

Who should attend: professional staff.


This training session will cover:

·       principles for data management and privacy

·       the importance of record keeping

·       principles of FOI and understanding your responsibilities under the Freedom of Information Act

·       understanding your responsibilities in record keeping and managing data

·       the University’s record keeping systems, including ERMS

·       information on where to obtain further information and advice.



Submission to the Attorney Generals Department of the report of the review of the Privacy Act

The ANU submission Review of the Privacy Act 1988: Feedback to inform the government response to the Privacy Act Review from the Australian National University has been forward to AGD. Thanks to Alex, Sue, Kathryn and Michael Martin. Alex your work on the submission was fabulous!



Vale Maxine Rochester

Dr Maxine Katheryn Rochester, BA, MLS, PhD, FLA, FALIA was an outstanding library educator. Many benefited from her teaching and research. I have written a remembrance of her which has been published in JALIA.



Congratulations to Aileen Weir and Margarita Moreno

Aileen Weir and Margarita Moreno were awarded ALIA Fellowships in recognition for their outstanding work over many decades. Do join me in congratulating them!






Dear Candida and Emma,


I have just sent off my compiled thesis to my supervisors for their review. Thank you so much for your fabulous help. I could not have done it without you. You are absolute treasures!


Best regards



Roxanne Missingham

Director, Scholarly Information Services



Coming events


Open Repositories 2023

When: 12-15 June 2023

Where:  Stellenbosch, South Africa

More detailsThe theme for the conference will be Repositories unlocked for machine and humankind. Click here for more information.




From HR


Dear all,

The Carers' Career Development Assistance Fund (CCDAF) Round 2, 2023 is currently open, with closing date Friday 9 June 2023.

Please let your areas and colleagues know that applications are currently open.

The CCDAF is for individual academic and professional staff with caring responsibilities who require support to participate in significant national or international conferences, workshops or symposia that contribute to their careers.

Grants of up to $2,000 are available for reasonable costs relating to care of dependants where existing care arrangements are not available.

Types of costs covered may include:

·       child care costs

·       care costs for dependants other than children

·       airfares for the dependant to accompany the staff member

Further information and how to apply via the webpage.

Direct any queries about this grant opportunity to

Kind regards



Kate Witenden

Chief People Officer

Human Resources Division |

The Australian National University






Shaping Research Software: An Interview with Catherine Bromhead

Catherine Bromhead, a software developer at Melbourne Bioinformatics who maintains and keeps Galaxy Australia in production shares her insights.

Watch the video here.


Tweets Illuminate the Impact of COVID-19 on Society

The Australian Text Analytics Platform is helping researchers analyse large volumes of text to enhance our understanding of the impact of major events, like the COVID-19 pandemic, on society.

Read more here.


Institutional Underpinnings Research Data Management Network

Learn about the four collaborative projects for institutional research data management and latest list of members.

Read more here.




ANU Press and open access


G7 Science Ministers Endorse Open Science - and Open Access

“The G7 supports immediate open and public access to government-funded scholarly publications and scientific data, and supports the endeavours of the scientific community to address challenges in scholarly publishing for broader sharing of appropriate scientific outputs.”  They call for the interoperability and sustainability of infrastructure for research outputs, as well as support for research assessment approaches that incentivise and reward open science practices. They have also approved the creation of a new Working Group on Science Communication to help promote this priority.

Read more.


10 years of open research publishing

In this video interview, Rebecca Lawrence (Managing Director at F1000) talks about how open research has evolved over the past decade, and which trends might shape the publishing landscape in the future.


Opening the future

CEU Press now have some usage data from platform partner Project MUSE and are pleased to share the first insights into the global reach of the OA titles generously funded by subscribing library members. Highlights of the report include stats showing these OA books have been read in 104 countries and reached 68 more countries than the press’ gated books. And 23% of all OA usage was seen in countries where previously no gated access was recorded. You can read a short section of the report here - a more detailed paper is due later in the year.


Liverpool University Press are pleased to announce that a further two books in the OtF programme have reached their funding targets. A City Against Empire by Thomas K. Linder and Feeling Sick: The Early Years of AIDS in Spain by Dean Allbritton are now available as part of LUP’s renowned Liverpool Latin American Studies and Contemporary Hispanic and Lusophone Cultures series. You can find more details of LUP’s OA books funded by OtF here.


Books in a bubble: assessing the OAPEN Library collection

Ronald Snijder has undertaken an interesting assessment including language and discipline “the dominance of English is visible in the number of titles available in the collection, and in the usage data…English is more read by the users of the OAPEN Library. However, the impact of other languages varies strongly per subject. German is quite clearly the second largest language when we look at the number of publications. The total number of downloads for books and chapters in this language is consistently larger than the number of downloads for titles in other languages”. Read more here.



Accelerating DEIA — Lessons from the Society for Scholarly Publishing

Rebecca Kirk, Allison Leung and Shaina Lange share their thoughts. They serve as the co-Chairs of the Society for Scholarly Publishing (SSP) Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility (DEIA) committee.

In the seven years since the task force assembled, it has developed into a full standing committee, with clear objectives, working collaboratively with task forces on accessibility and global perspectives. In addition, many of those involved on the committee have gone on to hold leadership and board positions within SSP, furthering the impact of the work.


NASA draft Public Access Plan

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) released its draft Public Access Plan and is accepting public feedback through a Request for Information (RFI). The RFI outlines five specific questions and comments are due August 17. SPARC will submit a response. 


Council of the European Union statement

The Council of the European Union published a statement summarising their conclusions on the need for ensuring “High-quality, Transparent, Open, Trustworthy and Equitable Scholarly Publishing.” It calls on EU Member States to support policies towards a scholarly publishing ecosystem with no costs for either authors or readers. It: 

·       Emphasises that scholarly publishing should support essential principles of academic freedom, research integrity and scientific excellence, as well as maximum accessibility and reusability of research results, while also supporting research communities and their trans-disciplinary collaboration; 

·       Highlights that immediate and unrestricted open access should be the norm in publishing research involving public funds, with transparent pricing commensurate with the publication services and where costs are not covered by individual authors or readers; 

·       Highlights the importance of not-for-profit, scholarly open access publishing models that do not charge fees to authors or readers and where authors can publish their work without funding/institutional eligibility criteria;

·       Notes there are a variety of models that do not depend on Article Processing Charges (APCs) or similar per-unit charges and stresses the importance of supporting the development of such models led by public research organisations. 


Funding Open Access after the Transformation

OASPA held this webinar recently, The recording is now available on their blog. Alongside the recording, panellists’ slides and responses to attendee questions not covered in the webinar are included. Panellists were Vivian Berghahn, Evgeniya Lupova-Henry, and Judith Fathallah.



New titles


Cover image of Navigating Prosperity and Security in East Asia

Navigating Prosperity and Security in East Asia Edited by: Shiro Armstrong, Tom Westland, Adam Triggs


Islands of Hope

Islands of Hope: Indigenous Resource Management in a Changing Pacific. Edited by: Paul D’Arcy, Daya Dakasi Da-Wei Kuan



Cover image of ‘Order, Order!’ A Biographical Dictionary of Speakers, Deputy Speakers and Clerks of the Australian House of Representatives'

Order, Order!’: A Biographical Dictionary of Speakers, Deputy Speakers and Clerks of the Australian House of Representatives’ edited by Stephen Wilks


Open repository



Open Access Week 2023

“Community over Commercialization” is the theme for this year’s International Open Access Week (October 23-29): The website is up now.


IFLA Trends and Issues in Library Technology

Includes articles on:

·       Research Data Repositories for Open Science: Metadata Schema Analysis Juan Miguel Palma Pena, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico

·       From Research and Datasets to Open Science and AI Ray Uzwyshyn, Mississippi State University, US.


2023 Directions in Digital Scholarship Webinars

As part of the CNI initiative on Directions in Digital Scholarship: Support for Digital, Data-intensive, and Computational Research, a webinars were held in April and May.

Webinar 1: Directions in Digital Scholarship: Support for Digital, Data-Intensive, and Computational Research in Three Libraries.

Webinar 2: Directions in Digital Scholarship: What’s Next. The recordings are available online.


New research resources


·       An Integrated Health Campaign to Reduce the Risk of Falling for Older Adults

·       The Cross-sectional Average Inequality in Lifespan (CAL†): A Lifespan Variation Measure That Reflects the Mortality Histories of Cohorts

·       Why is there variation in test ordering practices for patients presenting to the emergency department with undifferentiated chest pain? A qualitative study

·       An assessment of statistical methods for nonindependent data in ecological meta-analyses: Comment

·       A stable discontinuous Galerkin method for linear elastodynamics in 3D geometrically complex elastic solids using physics based numerical fluxes



Keeping up to date



·       IFLA has welcomed the appointment of Sharon Memis as the new Secretary General.

·       IFLA Newsletter, May 2023: The cultural diversity issue

·       From open science to sustainable development: libraries as essential infrastructures

·       IFLA ARL Newsletter issue # 6


Optimising the UK’s university research infrastructure assets

A UKRI-funded report brings together views of 15 major stakeholders from across the UK research community, aims to help identify more opportunities for collaboration, attracting investment, developing skills and reducing bureaucracy. The findings are under the following themes:



The State of the Market: The Periodicals Price Survey 2023

Learn what a recent article in Library Journal, “Periodicals Price Survey 2023: Going for the Gold, Deep in the Red” says about library budgets and the economy, the state of higher education, open access, the serials marketplace forecast, trends and more.


Ebsco Library perspectives forum 2023

Recordings including sessions on copyright, data driven decision making and the NLA’s FOLIO journey are now available.


Research Libraries Advance Open Scholarship and Community Engagement

The Association of Research Libraries (ARL) has published brief profiles of the eight institutions that participated in the 2021–2022 pilot program Accelerating the Social Impact of Research (ASIR). The pilot engaged small teams from eight ARL member libraries who wanted to share strategies to accelerate the adoption and implementation of open-science principles for social-impact and community-engaged research and scholarship.



CNI pre-recorded project briefing series


·       Where We've Been and Where We're Going: Reflecting on the Data Curation Network, Mikala Narlock.

·       Enhancing OER Creation and Adaptation Workflows with an Open Publishing Tool.

·       Exposing Hidden Collections Through Photogrammetry.

·       Get Data Ready! with GSU: Georgia State University Library’s Data Literacy Skills Micro-Credentialing Program.


Identity management beyond the LC/NACO Authority File

Richard Urban recently published an post in the OCLC Research blog entitled, “Identity management beyond the LC/NACO authority file.” It’s a summary of recent discussions by the OCLC RLP Metadata Managers Focus Group, exploring the shift from “authority control” to “identity management.” Many interesting issues are canvassed including workflows, trust, efficiency, lower costs, technical affordances, and good governance policies and procedures.


OCLC’s role in the Open Access ecosystem

This is the second in a series of blog posts exploring ‘Open’ as it relates to libraries. The first post in this series provided a broad overview of Open contexts in which libraries operate, signposting some key areas of library interest. This second installment describes the role OCLC plays in the Open ecosystem, focusing on Open Access, a context in which libraries have taken on an especially prominent role. 


ALIA Professional pathways

This project is now entering into the second and final phase of consultation. On the website you can see:

·       Phase One Consultation Research Report (Feb) - the final research report on Phase One

·       Phase Two Consultation Paper -  Library and information services workforce: Framework and Recognition (May) that draws together all the work to date.

They are seeking your input on the final design of the Professional Pathways project. Implementation will commence in 2023. Specifically input is sought on the draft Framework and its uses, systems for recognition and continued professional development (CPD).

ALIA is seeking responses to the consultation paper by 7pm AEST Wednesday 5 July 2023.



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