Artists' books and limited editions

GIW Information


Catalogues and Bibliography



GIW Galleries


Drawings and Paintings

Photography and the Printed Image


Text Emphasis




1. Werner Enke; Printer and Compositor.
GIW, 1994; published in 39 copies.

2. Jean-Edouard Augsburger; Works on Paper.
GIW, 1991; published in 300 copies.

3. Claude Faivre; Prints and Painted Books.
GIW, 1993; published in 55 copies.

4. Geoffery Ricardo; Colour Aquatints.
GIW, 1993; published in 20 copies.

5. Therese Weber; Destination: Earth and Sky.
GIW, 1996; published in 500 copies

6. Thierry Bouchard; Books.
GIW, 1994; published in 300 copies

7. Lukas Kandl; Recent Paintings.
GIW, 1997; published in 500 copies.

8. Zdenka Krejcova; Mind Games.
GIW, 1998; published in 250 copies.

9. Udo Sellbach; And Still I See It.
GIW, 1995; published in 250 copies

10. The Print, the Press, the Artist and the Printer.
CSA, 1994; published in 500 copies

11. Artists' Books and Limited Editions.
GIW, 1992; published in 500 copies.

12. Fragile Objects.
GIW, 1994; published in 300 copies.

13. Light of Nature, Paul Uhlmann.
CSA, 1993, Master of Arts (visual).

14. Books, GIW 1980-1984.
GIW, 1984; published in 120 copies.

15. Graphic Investigation Workshop, 1978-1988.
GIW, 1988; published in 500 copies.


Important articles appeared in:

"Introduction for GIW 1978-1988" catalogue
by Pat Gilmore, Senior Curator, Department of International Prints and Illustrated Books at the Australian National Gallery.

"Fragile Objects: Artists' Books and Portfolios by GIW"
in "Artists' Books and Limited Editions" catalogue, 1992, by Dr. Sasha Grishin, Dept. of Fine Arts, Australian National University.

"Australian Artists' Books - a Canberra Harvest"
in "Fragile Objects" catalogue, 1994, by John Thompson, Dir. Research and Promotion (Australian Collections), Nationa Library of Australia.

"L'Australie - une terre aussi vielle que le temps, un peuple aussi jeune que l'avenir"
in "Art & Metiers du Livre", no.162, juillet/Aout, 1990. By Marie-Ange Doizy.

"Fragile Objects, Artists' Books and Limited Editions"
in "National Library News", vol.VI, no.5, Feb, 1996. By John Thompson.

"When is a Book not a Book?"
in "Art Monthly Australia", no.93, Sept, 1996. By Anne McDonald.